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Sage yawned, stretching her arms above her head. She looked over at the window, and squinted at the bright sun. A knock on her door caught her attention, and she sat up.

"Come in." She said, and Jacob walked in with a stack of pancakes, a birthday candle stuck in the middle. "Oh gosh." Sage laughed, and Jacob smiled.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Sage, Happy Birthday to you." Jacob sang, sitting next to her on her bed. Sage smiled, closing her eyes before she blew the candle out.

"I'm so sorry to have to leave you on your birthday, but they called me in to train a new night shift nurse." Jacob spoke, and Sage shook her head.

"No, it's fine. I'm sure my friends have something planned anyways." Sage shrugged, and Jacob nodded.

"Happy eighteenth baby sis." Jacob smiled, planting a soft kiss upon Sage's forehead.

"Thank you." Sage smiled.

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Sage headed inside of the Chateau, but the silence made her well aware that no one was there. She pulled out her phone, texting the Pogue group chat, and waited a few moments.

She sighed, making her way out of the Chateau, and walking down the main road towards the beach. She had missed all of the quiet days she spent there reading a book while she listened to the waves.

Sage slipped off her shoes, trudging through the sand to her normal spot on the beach. She sat down, bringing her knees up to her chest, closing her eyes.

She loved the sound of waves. Something about them had always seemed to clear her mind, even at the busiest times.

"Sage?" A voice called out. Sage looked over her shoulder, and saw Kelce waving at her. He jogged over, Tyler, Abby, Madison, and Avery trailing behind him.

"Hey guys." Sage smiled.

"How have you been? It's been forever!" Avery squealed, and Sage stood embracing her in a hug.

"Oh, I've been better." Sage shrugged, and Avery nodded.

"Is it true you spent an entire month on a deserted island?" Madison asked, and Sage nodded. "Like, how? I would seriously die, what did you eat?" Madison asked.

"Well, JJ and Kie were always in charge of food, so whatever they caught. Sarah and John B made a really nice shelter out of some tree leaves, and Pope and Cleo knew which berries we could eat, and whatever were poisonous, cause their smart..." Sage smiled, and the Kooks nodded.

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