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Sage stood at the table, admiring the decorations the Carrera's had set up for their anniversary party. The whole island had been invited, and she could only hope to have that many friends as she grew up.

People always say friends come and go, but she never believed them. She believed that friendships were a forever thing... if you tried hard enough to keep them.

"Hey, you look gorgeous!" Sarah complimented, pulling Sage in for a hug.

"Thank you baby, you look amazing too!" Sage smiled, pulling back from the hug. "How are you doing?" Sage asked, and Sarah grabbed herself a drink.

"I feel so fucking guilty, I can't even believe I did that." Sarah sighed, taking a large chug of her drink. "Changing the subject, I heard you went a little off the rails after seeing Rafe with another girl." Sarah said, and Sage looked down at her hands.

"I- I wish I could lie and say that I didn't care, but I really did. It broke my heart to see him with someone else." Sage sighed.

"No, I understand. Remember everything he's done though." Sarah brought up, and Sage nodded.

She kind of hoped that Sarah would've told her to get him back, that love like they had only comes once in a lifetime, but she didn't.

And knowing how she reacted, she could only imagine what her friends would say.

"I'm gonna go get a drink." Sage said, and Sarah nodded. She left the table, walking over to the full service bar.

"Hi, how can I help you?" A bartender asked.

"Could I get a vodka lemonade please?" Sage asked, and the bartender nodded. He mixed up her drink, and handed it to her with a smile. "Thank you." She said, taking her drink, leaning up against the bar.

Her eyes caught the familiar blue ones across the party, and Sage quickly looked away. She saw him walking towards her from her peripheral, and she took a large sip of her drink, mentally cursing.

"Hi." Rafe said, and Sage looked at him, but she didn't speak. What could she say? "I didn't think you'd be here." Rafe said.

"It's Kie's parent's anniversary, yes you did." Sage said, taking another large gulp of her drink. She looked over Rafe's shoulder, and saw the girl she had seen with him at the party lingering across the way.

"Sage." Rafe spoke, gaining her attention. "Tell me to leave her. Tell me you love me, and she's gone." Rafe said, and Sage's eyes widened.

Promise *Rafe Cameron*Where stories live. Discover now