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Dear past me,
Stop stressing so much, you do you.

I know you're going to come to terms with yourself soon enough but just know, there is nothing wrong with what you are feeling or thinking.

Just be yourself Connor, yes you will get some judgement but just know you're going to have such amazing people on your side, helping you through the judgement.

People such as your parents who you thought were going to be the ones judging, your sister Nicole she'll help you realise not everyone is bad.

And Troye, how do I begin to describe Troye. Yes you may not have known him for very long but he is going to help you push through all the negativity.

Troye, Troye Sivan. The anonymous user with the nickname Spud. It wasn't hard for you to figure out he was the one you loved but it took him sometime. All those little clues leading to your identity.

It finally happened, you've come to terms with yourself, scared at first, you've met Troye in person and now you have a loving family and boyfriend.

How could life get any better?

AN: last chapter, what do you think? Ps. My friend got me Connor's book for my birthday and its amazing!


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