Chapter 22

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It had been a few hours since their last viewing as Morgan had left to do something that no one knew what except for his wives obviously so they spend this time to relax.

Speaking of Morgan's wives everyone mainly the students(except for Katsuki and Monoma) had used their time to ask the girls some questions in regards to Morgan as they had been curious about him for as long as they've known him.

Ichigo: So what is it you want to know about Morgan?

Aqua: Everything, like what's he like?

Alisa: Well he's sweet, and can be cold towards those he doesn't trust and is very protective of us

Altina: However Morgan can be quite fragile sometimes as he has PTSD of an event regarding my sister Millium

Jade: I see...she became worried for Morgan which didn't go unnoticed by Morgan's wives and her family

Alear: Don't worry, we had his own personal Nurse help him so he's fine, but it'll take a long time before he recovers from it

Mineta: A Nurse!? Are you kidding me he gets his own hot and sexy Nur- he was jacked by Jiro who vibrated him

Jiro: Shut up you pervert!

It's at this moment that Morgan returns which catches everyone's attention as he sat back down in his seat.

Alisa: Welcome back Morgan, were you able to get what you needed to do done?

Morgan: Yeah, and everything in the Star Wars theatre should be ready

His wives nodded while everyone else was confused on what he meant by that except for the guests.

Morgan: Anyways is everyone ready to continue with the viewings?

Everyone: Yes!

Morgan nods as the screen lights up and the next viewing starts.

It's the middle of the night in the Nighteye Agency, said "Hero" is in his Office, waiting for the Mercs to send him the footage regarding their assassination of the Midoriyas. His two sidekicks already went home, which is good. So that they won't know what nefarious schemes he has planned.

Nezu: So neither Bubble Girl nor Centipeder knew about what he was planning?

Morgan: Correct, they had no idea about the things he's been doing

Aizawa: I see, that's good as it means like Mirio they didn't agree with what he's trying to do

Just then, he looks at his laptop and sees a screen pop up but what he noticed was it was all static and had a certain little logo that belongs to everyone's favorite Kouhai or that's what she tells herself.

BB: Hello there, Stupideye. My name is BB and if you're wondering why you aren't seeing the footage you are looking for. Well, here is your answer.

As BB now displays on Nighteye's Laptop, all the footage of the Servants dealing with the Mercenaries he sent and it was a one-sided massacre. BB then shows the interrogation with the Merc Leader and how Inko got all the information they need to get Nighteye out of his career as a Hero.

When he watches this, he grits his teeth in anger. All that money and time he put into this, wasted.

Brynhildr: That's what he gets for trying to have Izuku killed

Shiki(Assassin): Agreed, he claims to be a hero but what he's doing is the work of a Villain

Shiki(Saber): A villain indeed, what a sorry excuse of a hero

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