Experiencing wonders

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Y/n's POV:
"So, go ahead they're yours." I am shell shocked. When Kaiser said he would make it up to me I expected him to train me or something but instead I can't believe my eyes... A pile of instant ramen- I- "If you weren't such a prick I'd marry you right now."
Kaiser's POV:
"Hah you can't resist my charms can you..? Wait. I feel insulted..."-  "How'd you know I like ramen?" "I heard you complaining about it earlier." "Awww. How sweet." she says looking at me with awe. "Of course. Nothing the great me couldn't manage." I say with confidence. "You do know you admitted to stalking me right?" "Huh? I- Shut up unless you want me too take it back." Well I mean yeah that is a bit- not my fault she talks so loudly.

"So, are you gonna just stand there or come along, I'm hungry." Y/n says picking up the ramen. "Huh?" "You said you haven't had any before. I'll cook some for us." Oh. Well- I can't just say no to an offer for hot food. It has been a while since I've eaten. And I guess spending some more time with her won't be that bad... "Ok. Let's go."

3rd Person POV:
Kaiser sits in Y/n's room looking around as Y/n's busy cooking the ramen. "The best way to eat ramen is with an egg, spring onions, mushroom and some meat. I wish I had kimchi here. You should be glad to be getting the chance to eat my ramen. I'm actually a pretty good cook." "Sure sure, we'll see." Y/n returns with two bowls of piping hot ramen and settles down on the couch. "There you go. You get to share this new experience with me, be honoured."

(Hehe my dinner right now

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(Hehe my dinner right now. I just made it)

Kaiser's POV:
This... what is this flavour. Its- so. Good. "This is actually pretty good." "I told you so. My recipe never fails." says Y/n as she slurps up her own food. "Your parents must be proud.. your a great player, good cook and not a muscle brain" I can't believe I'm saying this.

Y/n's POV:
I look up at him. It's been long since someone complimented me like this. "I- Is this a compliment I hear from you?" He deadpans at me " Don't make me take the last part back." Huh. My parents. "Well. My dad wouldn't exactly be saying that. He believes I shouldn't have done sports.." Kaiser gives me a quizzical look "Huh? Why?" "Well.. I did good in school so he believed I would go with a settled career instead of following football. But I guess that's all fine now." I say as I get back to the food.
(No you were not in depression, dead family, bullied or on the verge of dying. 😭This isn't an emo Y/n fanfic, we already have kunigami for that. It's just to add some reality.)

"Oh. Well You-" Kaiser starts just as someone barges open my door. Oh I forgot to lock it. In come Isagi, Raichi and Kurona. "I smelled the ramen.." says Raichi as he tells me off for not inviting them. Isagi gives me puppy eyes as Kurona stands there questioning his life decisions. I feel him. "Well I'll make some for you guys too.. don't tell the others or I stab you to death." "I guess that's my queue to leave" says Kaiser getting up. "No. Stay. You got the ramen after all" i blurt out without thinking. The evening ends well with my ramen stock depleting, full stomachs and an awkward Kaiser and a wild Ness popping in later too searching for Kaiser.

"Bye bye, I'll treat you next time." I say as I watch Kaiser leave with Ness." He says a sure after fumbling for a bit.

Kaiser's POV:
I can feel Ness burning lasers into the back of my head. "I'll invite you next time..?" I say giving him the most apologetic face I can muster up rn. "You know that's not why." he says with his same smile. I need to know how his face is the same 24/7. Do his cheek muscles not tire out... I check my phone to see Y/n's message

From: Lazy dumbass
Thanks. You're not that that much of a prick as you let on.

These words make me feel warm all of a sudden. Oh well. Summer is nearing. I should also probably change her username before she finds out..
Hmm what describes her? The memory that strikes me right now is of coming across her that day practising alone at night.

(Lazy Dumbass) has been saved as (Wonder)

{Majesty of the field} M. KaiserWhere stories live. Discover now