Chapter 10: Take Your Sweet Time.

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Okay if you've gotten this far in the book I'm pretty sure you know the drill. Violence, blood, all that jazzzz.

I wont be putting warnings for stuff like this from here on out because there's just so damn much of it. Assume the worst.

HOWEVER. If OTHER triggering topics occur, I will put warnings.

So... Assume gore. And blood. And violence.

Also possible drawings of it :]

I mean it's an evil Test Tube book... I'm not sure what you expected—


This Chapter also handles themes of depression.


Test Tube threateningly stepped closer. Her hand firmly gripped the gun she was completely ready to pull the trigger if necessary. Microphone stood her ground, and made it clear she was going to attempt to protect Taco.

"M-4. Get. Out. Of. The. WAY." Test Tube practically growled.

"N—NO WAY! YOU'VE HURT HER ENOUGH ALREADY." Microphone retaliated.

Taco shifted in her sleep uncomfortably, as if about to flinch awake at any moment.

"P—PLEASE!" Mic begged.

Test Tube stared at her for a moment, before she lowered the gun. She stayed silent for a moment.

"T-THANK YOU...! Thank y—you..." Muc turned to look at Taco she was still asleep... Good—




Microphone flinched back in total shock. Test Tube shot Taco in the arm. Taco started to scream in agony, scratch the 'still asleep' thought eh? "O—OH MY GOD— TACO!!!" Microphone panicked and picked her up. "IMSOSORRY! OH GOD..." There was a lot of blood... Mic turned her head to Test Tube in a fit of rage. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Y—YOU'RE INSANE!" She screamed.

"I'm not insane... I'm brave. I'm BOLD. I have courage, unlike all the other scientists who are soft hearted and refuse to make sacrifices..." Test Tube hissed. "YOU ARE NOTHING. An ANT— NO! Not even, your a THING now, don't you get it?! CANT YOU SEE?! Hahah... I'm here to make BREAKTHROUGHS! Not be told off by some sixteen year old emo teen."


"I CAN DO WHAT I WANT." Test Tube screamed Making Microphone jump back in shock and land on the bed. "What are you going to do? Hm? Scream at me?" Test Tube stared her down.

"I—I— N—no! Test Tube I— AAAAAGH FUCK!" Mic screamed and put her hand on the chip as pain shot through her body once again.

Taco screamed louder in response. Test Tube chuckled a bit and crossed her arms as she watched Microphone lie there in pain.

"Don't talk back... That should be a lesson. Now shut up. Alright?" Test Tube smiled and looks down at her condescendingly. She grabbed the remote and turned the chip off.

Microphone gasped for air and slowly nodded through tears. She had still been holding Taco, she only realized now how much she was shaking... how much they both were shaking. This was real... Test Tube wasn't just insane... She was a downright Sadist... Microphone shivered.

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