Bad luck game - english version

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On this day of weakness, I offer my wealth to the heavens.

Here, I present to you: the poison of gambling, the fate of sailors who, even after a storm, always return to sail.

The urge to navigate is strong, but I dare to deny it, as I don't want another of my vessels to rest at the bottom of the sea.

I pretend to have control of my condition... I promised long ago that I would never return. Unfortunately, the waves are hypnotic – whispering in my ears like the song of sirens.

No, get back! I won't! I won't do it, i don't want to drown again!


(I enter in a small room with my head held high and my eyes on the prize.)

(I carefully observe my opponents.)

(I sit at the designated table.)

(I buy a measured possibility in poker chips.)

I start with bad luck, holding back impulses that slowly turn into discontent. An hour passes, I shallow my saliva; I appear to be without and exit and perspective, while feeling my treasure bleeding – withering away slowly.

I see a glimmer of hope, but it dissipates with the flop. I try to hide my losses; a frivolous attempt, i hope nobody notices...

A wave of emotion crashes against my reason – tilt – its now, my moment has arrived! I must risk everything in a game of head or tails! I take the risk...

(The cards are revealed.)

My face becomes impassive, my anxiety wants to escape my chest. I witness a heat run through my body, the same heat that screams: I am alive!

We reveal our cards – tacit regret – I lost.

(I Stand up ashamed from the table.)

(I lightly bite my lips.)

With a fragmented and heavy heart,

I swear never to return...

I swear!

Unti... yet again, I broken my oath. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2023 ⏰

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