chapter 20

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POV: kyle
We had an amazing party. We danced, sang, and drank beer. We made sure the four had fun before they left. After the party they packed and went to bed. "I hope we didn't keep them up too late, their flight leaves at seven in the morning, they'll only get four hours of sleep." Johnnie said with guilt in his voice. "I'm sure they'll be fine" I said with a smile. "We should sleep too" I said. "Okay, goodnight kyle" Johnnie said getting in bed next to me. "I love you" I whispered in his ear and we quickly fell asleep. A few hours later I woke up to the noise of people moving around, I got out of bed and walked out of the room. "Hey" I said to the four. "Hi" they all said. "We're going to miss you guys" I said. "We are too" Jordan said. "Have a safe flight, I don't want you guys to be late. Bye" I said waving at them. "Okay, bye. We're going to miss all of you too" Alex Ramos said. I watched them leave and I went back to my room. "Did they leave?" Johnnie asked. "Yeah, but you can sleep I'm not tired" I said. "I can't sleep" Johnnie said getting up. "It feel weird not having them around" I said. "It really is, want to go out? Just the two of us?" Johnnie asked. "Yeah sure." I said. We got dressed ate a quick breakfast and walked. "Hey, um Johnnie?" I said. "Yeah?" Johnnie said. "Um, I was wondering if you.....would like to go to that park we went to before our double date" I said. 'Why can't I ask him what I actually wanted to say' I though. "Yeah, I um thought that's where we were headed. Are you okay kyle?" Johnnie asked worried. "Me? Oh yeah I'm fine" I said smiling. "Okay" he said not believing me. We continued our walk and I still didn't have the courage to ask him what I wanted too. "Hey, can we go get some ice cream?" Johnnie asked, his eyes sparkling and he was pointing at an ice cream shop. "Yeah, sure. I'm going to pay though." I said patting his head. "Yay! Thanks kyle" Johnnie said jumping up and down. "You act like a child" I said chuckling at his reaction. "Don't laugh at me" Johnnie said kissing my cheek. "You missed, I'll teach you how to get it right." I said kissing him on the lips. "Thanks for the lesson" Johnnie said with a smirk when we pulled apart. We got our ice cream and started walking back to the really big house. "Where did you guys go?" Damon asked. "We had a little walk" I said. "Okay, well I was going to take [Y/N] to a carnival downtown and was wondering if you guys would like to go. I also invited Bryan and Leda" Damon said. "Yeah, we'd love to go!" I said. "We'll be leaving at four p.m." Damon said. "That's not until seven hours" Johnnie said sadly. "I don't think a carnival would be up at 9 a.m., Johnnie" I said. "Yeah, and it's going to up today, there's no way they'd have the whole place set up that fast" Damon said. "Hey guys!" Bryan said walking in with Leda. "Hi" all three of us said. "We'll be back at three thirty" Bryan said as Leda and him walked out of the house. "I'll be back at three" Damon said. "You're leaving too?" I asked him. "Yeah, [Y/N] has a friend who lives in Hawaii and I'm taking her to visit that friend." Damon said. "I'm ready" [Y/N] said walking down the stairs. "Bye guys" they both said waving and smiling. "We're all alone" I said with a smirk. "But it's too early" Johnnie said. "It doesn't matter" I said. "Okay" Johnnie said running up the stairs. "I'm going to win!" He said. "Cheater!!!" I said. We got into the room and closed the door. "Hey kyle, do you have protection?" He asked. "I don't" I said. We decided to watch a movie instead. 'Maybe someday it'll happen' I thought.
Chapter 20! I hope you guys enjoyed. I've been trying my best to have one chapter up everyday. Thanks for reading. <3 bye~

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