chapter 22

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POV: kyle
I woke up to the sound of crying. "Johnnie what's wrong?" I asked running up to the corner he was curled up in. "I-i's hard. I've b-been trying to stay s-strong but knowing that we'll b-be split up in a few days has me in t-tears" he manages to say through tears, now's my chance to tell him what I've been wanting to say. "Johnnie, I've been wanting to ask you something" I said hugging him. "Ask me what?" Johnnie said sniffling. "Do you um want to move in with me? You don't have to if you don't want to" I said. "I would love to!" Johnnie said. I hugged him tighter. "Okay, we'll figure out when we'll move all your things in my house." I said smiling. "Okay" Johnnie said. "Let's go back to sleep, you must be tired" I said carrying him to the bed bridal style. In the morning I decided to cook pancakes for everyone, I practiced and I finally learned how to cook something. "Something smells good" I heard Damon say. "Good! You're up." I said. "Come taste my pancakes" I said. "Are you sure it's safe?" Damon asked. "It's not like I poisoned them, they can't be that bad" I said serving Damon some pancakes. "Wow, they really are good" Damon said stuffing his mouth. "Kyle, why'd you leave me alone" Johnnie said walking into the kitchen while rubbing his eyes. "I wanted to cook breakfast for you guys" I told him. "You're cooking? Isn't Damon going to die from eating the food you made?" Johnnie asked. "Why does everyone judge my cooking?" I asked. "I'm just kidding, give me some food!" Johnnie said sitting in front of Damon. Bryan, Leda, and [Y/N] came downstairs one by one and complimented me on my cooking. After breakfast we all did our own things. "Hey kyle, instead of me living with you why don't we just live in los Angeles? Damon and [Y/N] are moving there and I'm sure that Bryan will take Leda with him." Johnnie said. "Yeah, that's a good idea. That way we won't loose contact with friends." I said. "Okay, then we should look for a place to live." Johnnie said. "We should tell Bryan we're going to live across from him" Johnnie said. "Yeah, and we can tell Damon that the place next to us is free. That way we'll all be close." I said. "This is going to be great!" Johnnie said. Two hours later we told Bryan and Damon the news and they were excited. "I actually just proposed to Leda an hour ago" Bryan said and Leda showed us her ring. "Wow, congrats you two!" We all said. We decided to go out for lunch to celebrate. "When are you guys getting married?" I asked. "Next year in the summer" Bryan said. "We'll help as much as we can" [Y/N] said holding Damon's hand. "Us too" Johnnie said. "I never agreed to anything" I said. "But we both know that you will help" Johnnie said. "You're right" I said. "I always am" Johnnie said. "Yeah right" I said. After lunch we were all pretty tired so we just headed back home and locked ourselves in our rooms. "Hey Johnnie, I think we should leave early" I said. "What? Why?" He asked. "I need to get my things from my house and I also have to sell it" I said. "Yeah, you're right." Johnnie said. "But it might only take a week, we'll be back to enjoy another week here with everyone" I said with a smile. "Really? But wouldn't selling a house take longer?" Johnnie asked. "I'll leave it up to my mom" I said. "Okay, then let's buy tickets and get packed." Johnnie said getting the suitcases. "We'll tell everyone when we finish packing. When does our flight leave?" I said. "Tomorrow at noon" Johnnie said. "By the time we get to my house it'll be seven p.m." I said. "We will still have time to pack your things though" Johnnie said. "Okay" I replied. "I don't think you'll need your bed, mine is big enough for us" Johnnie said. "Okay, then I'll just pack my clothes and some other minor things" I said. We finished packing and got ready to tell them the news. "So you'll be back in a week?" Bryan asked. "Yeah, it shouldn't take that long." Johnnie said. "Okay, well be safe" Damon said. "We will." I said. "What time will you guys be leaving?" Leda asked. "Tomorrow at noon" Johnnie said. We finished telling them our plans and we all went to do our own things again. "Let's watch a movie" I said climbing into bed. "Okay" Johnnie said snuggling next to me. We drifted off to bed, our adventure will start tomorrow.
I hope you guys have been enjoying my fanfic so far. I've had a lot of fun writing it so far. Thanks for reading <3 bye~

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