~Chapter 14~

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hey!!! Here's another chapter because I haven't updated in 8 days. We also did a world book day thing recently, and we had to act out a scene from a book. We chose Legally Blonde and I had to be the UPS guy... lololololololololololololololololololololololololol anyways... on with the chappy!!

Sophie's POV:

I blinked. Or at least I tried to, but it was pretty hard considering that she couldn't barely breathe because of the damp cloth tied tightly around her face. The scent was strong. Very strong. I felt myself inhaling it and starting to feel dizzy My head spun. My eyes throbbed and watered. My temples ached. I didn't know what to do. Help. Please, send help.

I passed out again. 

Suddenly, there was a bang. A painful sensation. I felt myself being lifted. Carried away. "DEX!" I managed to croak before I passed out, yet again! Into a dreamless oblivion.

Hey!! Sorry it's so short.... Oops!! Bye!!

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