Library "date"

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Karl's POV
As I sit on the couch waiting I hear a honk outside, I pick up my backpack wave to Foolish and rush out the door, in the driveway is a big white truck, as short as I am I was struggling to get into the truck so sapnap hops out the drivers seat and lifts me up
"There you go!" He smiles and hops back into the drivers seat
"T-thank you" my face is red
"No problem!" He hands me the aux cord
I smile and turn on some cave town which we both hum along with, after like 2 minutes we get to the library and sapnap opened the door for me and grabs my hand helping me out of the truck
"Thanks!" I'm more hyper as I hop out of the truck and grab my backpack as sapnap begins walking to the door, I run to catch up and he laughs a bit as I walk besides him
"So what did you wanna do here?" He smiles
"Oh I was gunna work on my art project, it's just easier to focus here" I smile right back
"Oh cool"
We find a table and sit down, he sits across from me. I pull out my sketch book and flip to an empty page to work on my drawing, sapnap walks behind me and looks over my shoulder
"That looks sad, but really good" he smiles and sits back down
"Oh thanks" I smile softly and open another monster "oh! I brought some nail polish if you want me to paint yours?"
"Yesssss!" He says excitedly
I pull out the nail polish while giggling "I have black and orange for you!"
"Oooo oki" he puts his hands on the table and I grab one of them beginning to paint his nails on his left hand, I made all them black except the middle one that I made orange, he looks at me excitedly
"Oh my lord! I love them!" He smiles
"I'm not done! Give me your right hand" I giggle and paint his nails the same on his other hand
He looks down at his nails and smiles "thank you!"
"Mhm!" I hum and re paint mine pink and black to match his, I then go back to drawing while he talks
"Oh! What did you eat for lunch today?" He smiles at me as I look up a bit surprised
"O-oh, u-um I ate some ramen when I got home" as I made an excuse I thought of what Foolish usually eats
"Oh nice! Was it good?" He smiles again
"Mhm" i hum "what did you eat?" I ask
"I had some sushi when I got home" Nick laughs softly
"Oh yum!" I smile at him
"Mhm!" He hums looking back at his nails
"You like them" I giggle
"Yes! Yes! Thank you!" He says happily
I shush him reminded him we are in a library
"Can I see the drawing?" He smiles at me softly
I turn the paper to him and he frowns
"He looks like you?" He says
"Mhm" i hum
"Why?" He asks
"It is me?" I smile
"O-oh okay" he laughs softly and turns the paper back to me, as we sit him telling story's and me drawing and sipping my drink he looks at me and I look up
"Is this a date?" He asks looking down
My eyes widen "d-do you want it to be?" I also look down
"Mhm" he hums
"Then it is" I smile and look back to him and he is smiling brightly
"Yay!" He whispers and I giggle
As I draw I have one hand just resting on the table and I feel him place his hand on mine, I just smile and he smiles back
After about 20 more minutes of Nick just talking his phone dings and he looks down

Nicks POV

My phone dings and I look down to see dreams contact show up on screen calling me
"Hey it's dream, I'll be right back" I say to Karl and walk away a bit
"Hey dude what's up?" I ask quietly
"I was just wondering where your at your mom said you where going out?" He said through the speaker
"I'm on a date" i hiss
"A DATE?!" His voice lights up
"Mhm" i hum looking back over to Karl
"With WHO?!" Dreams responses where quick
"K-Karl" I sigh out running my hand threw my hair
"Karl?! The one from school?" Dream asks
"Mhm" i hum again
"Shit man, who asked who??" Dream wheezes
"H-he asked me" I sigh in defeat
"Hah, loser" dream teases
"I gotta get back to him! I'll fill you in later" I say and hang up before Dream could deny it
I walk back to Karl and sit back down
"Hi" I say calmly
"Hi! What did Dream want?" Karl giggles
"He was just wondering where I was" I smile and place my hand back onto his and feel confident as he smiles at me his face is so soft as he draws. His hair is soft, his eyes are concentrated and his lips are slightly parted. I smile to myself and he looks up
"What time is it?" He asks
"Oh, um one sec" I pull out my phone and see it's 5:30pm "5:30"
"Shit" he cusses under his breath "can you take me home?" He asks
"Mhm" i hum and grab my stuff while he grabs his bag and we walk to the car once at the car I help him up laughing as he struggles to get in my truck as he settles into the seat and turns on cave town he pouts
"Why's your truck so tall?" He asks
"Your just short" I say back
"No!" He says
"Mhm" i hum "and cute"
His face turns red and he hides in his sleeves
"We are here" I help him out of the truck holding him by his waist, he looks into my eyes and I look back from above
"C-can I kiss you?" I ask without meaning to
"Mhm" he hums and I lean down connecting our lips into a soft kiss before Foolish runs out the door with a nerf gun
"GET OFF MY BABY BROTHER" He yells and shoots me
"Ow shit okay okay!" I say and let go of Karl who is giggling
As Foolish goes back into the house Karl waves to me and I get back into the truck hitting my head on the steering wheel before pulling out and going back to my house. Once I get in the house I call Dream
"Hey dude what's up?" He answers
"He kissed me"
"What?!" He yells and I put the phone on speaker setting it on my desk
"Bro that's great!" He laughs
"Mhm" i hum and sigh "he's so sweet"
"Simp" is all Dream says

Karl's POV

He yells at Foolish
"I'm not a baby!"
"He was touching you!" Foolish yells back
"He asked first!" I sigh
"Oh" we both break into laughter as I run to my room calling Gogy
"Hmmm what's up?" Is how he answers the phone
"He kissed me" I am touching my lips softly
"Wait what?! Who?!"
"Nick.. we went on a.. date.. and he asked if he could kiss me.. then Foolish chased him off" Karl smiles
"Oooooo" gogy coos "you got a boy friend~"
"N-no! We didn't.. talk about it.." I sigh
"Awwww, I mayyy or may not be going on a dateee tomorrow!" Gogy says
"Really?! With who?! Is it Dream?!" I yell and Foolish bangs on my door
"Shut up child I have a friend over!" Foolish yells and I giggle
"Y-yeah it's dream" Gogy laughs
"Yesh!" I laugh out
We talk for about an hour before I get a video call request, so I hang up with George and answer the face time just to see Nick smileing at me
"Hey!" I smile
"Hi" he says
"HI!!" I hear Dream yell from beyond a door and Nick rolls his eyes
I giggle
"What's up?" I ask
"I just missed your pretty face!" Nick smirks
"D-don't!" I hide behind my sleeves
"Awwww are you flustered?" He laughs
"No!" I giggle
"Mhm" Nick hums "anyway I actually have a question"
"Would you and George and Big Q like to come to my house for a sleep over? Dreams already here"
I smile "yes! I'll ask Alex and Gogy!"
He laughs "alright by!" He hangs up and I text gogy and Alex

                                                                        Big dick energy
Y'all wanna go to Nicks for a sleep over?
Pretty boy

Duck boy

Once I packed my bag sapnap calls once again and I answer
"Hi!" I smile
"I'm on my way to get you then we can get the others"
"Alright" I giggle and pick up my bad, hanging up the phone
I sit on the couch and wait till I hear a honk

N/A heyyyyyy

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