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A/N: The editing needs to be looked over on this just because I skimmed it quickly, so I am sorry for any mistakes. I haven't touched this chapter in a while.

Anyways, here's another Hit or Miss book!

This is a Female OC, and I think the pairing is VERY obvious.



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"No way in hell, Spitfire."

Annabelle pouted, tugging on the sleeve of Santana's Cheerio letterman. She nodded towards the bulletin board with her bottom lip stuck out. She had spent the last five minutes begging the Latina to join a club with her, which she seemed on board with up until she learned which club.

"Bells, I am not joining Glee Club, nor are you. It's complete social suicide!" Santana hissed, crossing her arms over her chest and looking down at the shorter girl.

"Please 'tana! It will be fun, and we could make it cool. This is high school. Can't we take a few risks?" Annabelle said, turning to grab the pen on the signup board, but let out a high-pitched whine when Santana smacked it out of her hand.

"Annabelle Ghost. We are not going to sign up for some stupid club and risk everything we've worked for with the Cheerios. We can sing in the car and at home." Santana said, narrowing her eyes.

"But Spade-"


"Please, it wou-"

"Annabelle Lillianna Ghost."

The red-headed girl sighed, crossing her arms over her chest and pouting. She momentarily looked down at her shoes before peeking at the girl through her eyelashes and sticking her bottom lip out a little further, green eyes widening slightly for the perfect puppy dog look.

A look Brittany could confirm had been practiced in the mirror for this very reason.

Santana looked away from the girl, looking back and instantly pulling her eyes out when she spotted the girl. She tapped her foot in annoyance, grinding her teeth as she looked up at the ceiling and then down the hall, periodically looking back at the girl's pouty face.

"Annabelle..." She warned the girl, glaring at her friend's face. "Do not look at me like that. It will not work."

Annabelle sighed heavily, looking down at her feet and scuffing her white cheer sneakers against the slick tile flooring.

"It was the same with the yearbook and art club." She mumbled. "I just wanted to have some fun away from home."

Santana's eyes softened, looking over the girl for a moment. She groaned loudly, turning towards the bulletin board and scribbling her friend's name on the sheet. She practically stabbed the pen into the paper, dropping it and turning towards the redhead, who was trying to hide her smile.

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