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A/N: Who's here? 

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Annabelle exchanged an annoyed look with Santana as she dropped back down on the old couch in the back of the library. She huffed and dropped the textbooks in her arms on the wooden coffee table in front of them.

Santana raised a brow and peeked over her phone at Annabelle's pout, waiting patiently for her best friend's freckles face to finally complain about her last hour like she had every day since they returned to Mckinley.

"I swear History gets worse every year," Annabelle whined, letting her high ponytail sling over her shoulder as she turned her head to look at Santana.

"Read and relax. You'll live, Bells." Santana chuckled.

Annabelle pouted but listened to her friend's advice. She let her fingers dust over the books she had sat down until her eyes landed on a novel from a nearby bookshelf. Her fingers grasped the spine and shimmied it out front of the stack of books before swiftly leaning back against the couch and pulling her legs partly underneath her so she could face Santana and not flash other students under her skirt.

Annabelle smiled softly when she flipped open the book and found the bookmark Quinn had gotten her for her birthday tucked inside. She slipped it between her fingers and examined the cartoon version of Quest on the lengthy rectangle, biting her lip and feeling the smooth texture before focusing on her stopping place inside the fantasy world of The Purple Planet Project.

Slowly, Santana's eyes shifted away from her phone as Annabelle became engrossed in her book. She watched the green eyes become glued to the whole new world printed inside the novel, licking her lips thoughtfully occasionally with a small knit of her brows. That innocent brow arch always seemed to cock further with a swipe of her tongue across the redhead's pink bottom lip. It combatted with the way she sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and chewed on its plush abilities instead of Santana-

Annabelle's eyes moved up as the Latina quickly cut away from admiring her features and voided her thoughts.

Santana's amber eyes migrated around her phone screen to avoid the butterfly princess's gaze. She arched a brow as she paused her crossing through Instagram to examine Annabelle's latest post before it scrolled by, trying to ignore the butterflies her friend planted in her stomach with those secret powers.

The corners of Santana's lips tugged upward as she gazed at her best friend's picture. She was a bit jealous of her beauty, not that Santana would ever say anything, but Annabelle was a work of art, and she knew it. The teenager was almost as talented with her camera as on the dance floor.

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