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Flashback chapters are fun: lots of time skips and it goes back and forth between being in school and then being in the zombie apocalypse and stuff so it's gonna be hectic lmao enjoy

~a year before the apocalypse: Janus~

Janus put his books into his locker smiling at his phone. He turned to leave the school when he heard laughter and lots of it coming from around the corner. He got curious and walked to where it was coming from seeing a kid in a green and black skirt, and a black tank top being pinned to the lockers, and his eyes widened seeing that the one holding him there was trying to undo the kids skirt. The kid looked horrified.

"Hey what the hell!?" Janus ran over and ripped the kid away. They all scattered and the kid he saved fell to the ground collecting his things quickly.

"I-Uhm..." he finished picking up his things and then looked at Janus. Janus saw the pure fear in this kids eyes.

"Why don't I walk you where you need to be?" Janus asked. The kid shook his head.

"I can walk there by myself. My-my brothers waiting for me anyway." He went to leave and Janus followed.

"Yeah well, they were just about to assault you so I don't trust you going anywhere alone right now kid."

"You really are annoying." The kid grumbled.

"What was that?" Janus asked.

"Nothing, it's just..." the kid stopped his walking and turned to face Janus. "I heard stuff about you and I seem kind and all but I'd rather not b-be friends with someone who does drugs."

"Oh my god, seriously?" Janus chuckled. "That's what everyone tells people? That I do drugs?"

"I'm Remus. Thanks for saving me." He smiled. Janus looked at the kid and sighed.

"Janus, listen kid what they were trying to do-."

"I can handle myself. Thanks again for stopping them and all but I really do not want to sit around and talk about it."  Remus left and Janus chuckled walking to his car. What a weird kid that Remus was.

~~~a few days into the apocalypse~~~

"I really don't care if you live or fucking die to be honest." Janus glared at the kids in front of him. "You fucking lead them to the twins house! Who the hell does that!? You know their entire family is now dead right?"

"Why do you care so much? You got into a fight with Remus anyways didn't you? Kid deserves to be dead" Janus folded his arms across his chest.

"What the fuck dude!?" They walked away from the argument. He actually wasn't sure if the twins were dead. He didn't find their bodies. He sat down and held the locket he found on the floor in his palm. Remus never took that he's probably dead right?

***a few months before the apocalypse***

Janus looked across the yard seeing Remus being picked on again. He bit his lip. He promised the fifteen year old he wouldn't get involved. He sighed and looked at his friends and Seth.

"I'll be right back." He walked over to find that one of the guys was flirting with Remus. Remus was shaking and trying to get away from them. Flirting or not Remus clearly wanted out.

"Ugh you again." They mumbled. Janus glared at them.

"I was serious last time I saw you idiots picking on him, get lost." The boys walked away and Janus looked at Remus. "Remus-."

"Don't." He folded his arms across his chest. "I can fucking handle myself."

"You are fifteen! Of course you can't handle those creeps! It's alright to ask for help you know..." Remus flipped him off and walked away. Janus just sighed.

~~~the day Seth died~~~

Janus was horrified. Remy left him tied to a fucking tree! He was almost attacked by a walker! Janus closed his eyes and struggled against the ropes. When he finally managed to get them off he grabbed the knife and ran as fast as he could. He returned to camp and smiled awkwardly at the person on guard watch. Which happened to be Logan.

"Janus what the hell happened!?" Logan ran over and pulled him to the fire. He cleaned the wounds and Janus thanked him.

"I have to tell you something." Janus pulled away from Logan's hands. "Seth and I we weren't attacked by walkers.." Logan sighed and looked around making sure nobody was listening.

"I know." Logan smiled sadly. "But your fathers actions are not your fault.. your father murdered Seth, but that's not going to make me hate you."

"Why aren't you going to do anything about it!? He could hurt Virgil!" Janus gasped in surprise.

"I hate it here as much as my son does. He knows something...I think he was there when it happened." Janus let his eyes widen.

"But-but that would mean he saw me!" Tears flowed down Januss face.

"If you would like I can try and convince him not to hate you. I don't." Logan poked the fire a bit. "It wasn't your fault."

"It will only make things worse for you." Janus looked down. "Especially around remy. He already hates you." Logan laughed.

"Oh trust me, I know. He's lucky I haven't fucking stabbed him for the way he looks at Virgil." Logan joked. Janus smiled.

"Thank you." Logan handed janus some water and food.

"Sleep well Janus."

~~~present time: Janus~~~

They sat at the camp and janus looked over seeing the only other person awake was Remus who was poking at the fire. Janus pulled out the locket. He walked over and sat down next to remus.

"What?" Remus asked. Janus opened his hand and placed it into his palm.

"I figured you'd want that back." Janus smiled. Remus stared at it in shock.

"I knew I recognized you! Holy shit!" Remus wrapped Janus in a hug. "I thought you died!" Janus laughed.

"I mean I might as well be with the serious eye infection Remy fucking gave me..." remus took the bandages off and took care of the wounds.

"Nothing to worry bout' Logan seemed to have taken care of you pretty well." Remus wrapped the wound up again and Janus looked at his hands.

"Remus, I'm so fucking sorry about everything I know you probably can't trust me after what happened but I just...I'm worried about you." Remus looked at Janus and then at the locket he held.

"Can we talk somewhere away from camp? Not too far..." Janus nodded and the two walked a little bit away.

"Remus, you never told your brother did you?"

"How the fuck am I supposed to tell him about the fact his friends were all creeps?" Remus sat down on a tree stump. "All of them died anyways. But yeah, that did bring up some trauma being fucking raped again."

"Remus, I was so shocked to see the fact that you are alive I just.." Janus started crying. "I'm sorry I let you get hurt. I made you a promise!"

"Would you shut up about your stupid promise. I made it to my sixteenth birthday because of you Jan." Remus smiled at him. "That's all I could be thankful for okay? Fuck your promise of protecting me. We were thrown into a god damn zombie apocalypse dude!"

"You aren't angry?" Janus asked. Remus shook his head.

"Of course I'm not." He squeezed Janus's hand. "If anything, I'm really glad to be stuck with you."

"That means so much." Janus hugged Remus and the two walked back to camp. Remus laughed as he sat back down.

"I'm just glad to have a friend who actually fucking cares." Remus smiled. Janus laughed and looked down at the fire.

"Yeah, me too."

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