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colbs pov

y/n scoffed and jumped out of my arms and got out of the pool so i followed her and she went to the shower so i went back down stairs and went back to the pool and jumped back in "is she alright" sam asked "i dont know she is in the shower" i said "oh ok"sam said and we swam some more "im going to get out now" i said "ok lets go" sam said and we got out the and dried off and he went to his bedroom

I went into my bathroom and had a qick shower and got out and got dressed and went into y/ns room to cheack on her and she was sleeping to I got into her bed and pulled her onto my chest and went to sleepm

Y/ns pov
The next day
I woke up and I had my head on Colby's chest so i slowly got out of bed and went down stairs and saw Sam making some food " hey how are you" sam asked " I'm good,how are you" I said and went and sat on the bench " I'm good you want any" he said "ummm no thanks" I said

Sam looked at me the same way that Colby does when he is looking if something is wrong so I looked away so he couldn't read me anymore "your lying" he said " about what?!" I said looking at him with a very confused look on my face " one that your ok and two that you don't want food" he said "ok look I'm fine and I'm just not hungry "hey talk to me ok I know you want to" he said

I looked at him and started to walk off when Colby came out of nowhere and stoped me " hey baby talk to us" he said
About what?!" I asked, I walked over to the bench and sat down " why your not eating" Sam said,I looked at them and then looked at my hands and started fiddling with my hands, Colby sat next to me and held my hand to stop me from fiddling with my hands "I JUST AM NOT HUNGRY OK!" i yelled at them and they looked shocked "i-im sorry i-i d-didnt m-mean to do that" i said with tears in my eyes  

colby pulled me into a hug and sam joined and i started to cry "hey baby its ok" colby said and they both pulled away and colby wiped my tears away "now baby you really need to eat you havent eten in days" he said "you know how i use to have Anorexia" i said "ya" colby said "well it never went away i have just been pretending that it did so onece again you didn't have to worry about me any more, so when i stoped eating it came back stronger" i said 

afer two minets of silence i just left the room and went into the back yard for some fresh air and sat on the grass when   sam and colby came out right after me "oh so you dont say anything inside so i go out side to get away from the silence and have some fresh air you have to follow me out side" i said "yes becase it wasnt to long ago when you tryed to end your life in that pool right over there!" colby yelled at me "oh so you both dont trust me anymore?!" i yelled back at him "well ya i kinda have the right to not trust you anymore" colby yelled

i got up and started to run inside when colby grabed me by my hand "hey baby its not that i dont trust you its that i just that i can afford to lose you becase i would feel like its my falt becase all i really do is yell at you" colby said "no baby first of all it would never be your fult secoldly i all ways yell at you first so you have the right to yell at me" i said, colby pulled me into a hug and we stayed like that for awile and then he pulled away and he kissed me on the forhead 

"look baby the reason why i didnt say anything inside was becase i didnt know what to say to that but now i do" he said "colbs you dont need to say anything i know you care and i know your worried and i know your sad that you didnt figer it out earlyer but please dont worry abot it becase i can handle it" i said  "ok what ever you say" he says and walks away 

when he walkes away  i feel like i need to cry and I dont know why so i do the most stupiest thing that i could think of and went to my motorbike and went as fast i could and drove to my old house and when i got in i saw my dad hovering over my sister elana  with a gun in his hand so i ran up sneaked out called colby he answered and i told him everything and he said he was on the way so i put my phone in my pocked and didnt hang up and i sneacked up behind him and signaled for my sister to shh and i juped on his back and put him in a head lock and my sister got up took the gun out of his hand and i jumped off his back took the gun off her and stood infrount of her and aimed the gun at him and wispered to my sister to call the cops 

she called the cops and colby came barging through the door and i told him to stay right there and my little sister ran to him  and he hugged her "both of you need to get out of here now i will be ok" i said and they left and when they did he pulled out another gun and told me to drop the gun that i was holding and to slide it over to him so i did what he told me to do and then he started to walk close to me and i backed up untill i hit the wall

"you got no where else to go" he said and slaped me across the face with the gun and then he kneed me in the stomich making me fall over and he keeped on hitting me over and over again then just before i passed out I heard the police and i closed my eyes 

colbys pov 

i get a call from y/n and she told me everything to i rushed over to there house and she told me to not come any closer and her sister came running up to me so i hugged her "both of you need to get out of here i will be ok" she said and i kew she wouldent be ok becase it was her father we where talking about but i took her sister home and when we got home sam came running up to us and hugged elana "where is y/n?" sam asked "she told us to leave her" i said

before sam could say anything someone called me so i answered it "hello this is ava from mouin view hospitabal we are calling to let you know that you girlfriend y/n y/l/n has just came in she just woke up and is going to be ok she can leave tomorrow and you are welcome to come see her" ava said "ok i will be right there" i said, i hanged up "ok so y/ns in hospital but she is ok im going to go see her so can you please show elana to her room and get her all settled in maybe even take her shoping i will be home tomorrow with y/n ok" i said they both said ok and i left 

20 minets later 

i arived at the hospital and i rush inside and went to the lady at the frount dest snd looked at the name tag and it was avav the girl i talked to on the phone earlyer "hey ava i amd y/n y/l/ns boyfriend we talked on the phone earlier" i said out of breath  "ok follow me" she said, she took me to y/ns room and i saw her asleep so i sat in the chair next to her and i held her hand and the ava left  after i sat down, i started to cry quietly so she didnt wake up and i didnt aract any attention "this is all my foult i shouldent  of left you" i wispered to her and kissed her head and she slowly woke up "h-hey baby" she said in a sleepy voice 

y/ns pov

"this is all my falt i shouldent of left you" colby wispered and then he kissed my head so i slowly started to open my eyes and i saw him crying "h-hey baby" i said,my voice sounded raspy but he didnt seem to notice insted he just looked at me and smiled "hey baby girl" he said "its not your fault im the one that told you to leave im the one that desided to listen to him when he told me to drop my gun im the one that desided not to put up a fight and im the one that desided to go there so baby it is in no way your fault it is all mine ok so please dont blame yourself for my actions ok" i said in a calm voice trying to chear him up 

"no baby it is my falt you left you wouldent of gone there if i didnt leave you alone afer a fight" he said, i didnt say anything else insted i huged him an dhe huged me back, after awhile i pulled away from the hug "get into the bed" i said "i dont want to hurt you" he said, i gave him a look saying that he wont hurt me and he seemed to under stand the look and carefully got into the bed with me and i put my head on his chest and he played with my hair and after abit i fell asleep 

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