Calling out Chiaki kinnies

19 0 10

You're often seen as introverted or an extroverted introvert.

You're often afraid to leave your own comfort zone.

You love talking about your interests with people who will listen!

You're afraid of burdening people, even though you're really nice to have around.

You try to include everyone... and are very blunt about whether they should be there or not.

What even is your romantic state rn? I don't get it... do you? 💀💀

Ur brain lags sometimes. Just give them a minute to load.

A crappy sleep schedule? I wonder why that is 👁️👁️

You either really want someone to talk to your interests about or you act like you don't, but given the opportunity, you could talk for hours about it.

You try so hard to be helpful to everyone else that you often forget your own well-being. 

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