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Lucy's POV

I heard some rumors on my train ride. Originally I wasn't going to stop at Hargeon but I had heard something I just couldn't pass up.

I ended up dropping my original plans and I traveled to Hargeon just to see if I can find a Fairy Tail wizard. But it's not just about finding one it's about needing to see a certain one of the fairies.

I walked past a dark ally hoping to find one of them. But as I was passing by I heard some noise so I walked into the ally.

"Who's there?" I asked however I got no response.

As I was about to walk away someone had put a cloth over my nose and mouth then before I knew it I had passed out.

Third Person POV

There was a beautiful golden blond haired girl being kidnapped in the ally with no one to save her.

However, there luckily was someone who saw everything and had also decided to take action.

The mysterious person went into the ally and stops the criminal with something that could only be described as one thing magic.

She took the criminal to jail and carried the blonde haired beauty to her hotel room.

When they got there she put down Lucy on the bed. That's when Lucy started to stir, signaling that she was going to wake up.

Lucy's POV

When I started to wake up I noticed I was in an unfamiliar bedroom. I was in a strangers room with no recollection on how I got here.

I looked over to my left and saw a girl with white hair and blue eyes. The girl reminded me of the Fairy Tail wizard I was trying to find.

"Hello?" I said with confusion clearly in my voice

"Lucy are you okay?" The mystery girl worried

"How do you know my name" I asked slightly creeped out

"You don't remember me Lucy, it's me Lisanna" She responded with her voice laced with sadness

"Lisanna is that really you I missed you" I cried out

"I missed you too" She barely managed to say as I tackled her into a hug

"Hey Lisanna do you think that I'll be able to join Fairy Tail. Now that I have found you I don't want you to leave." I timidly ask

"Of course Lucy! I'm sure everyone will love you! Plus I know two people who will be excited to see you!" Lisanna reassured

Third Person POV (at the guild)

It was a normal day at the Fairy Tail guild. By that I mean, Natsu and Gray were fighting. Erza was eating her strawberry cake. Levy was reading with Gajeel next to her while Jet and Droy wish it was them and not Gajeel. Wendy was talking with Carla and Romeo while Happy was trying to give Carla a fish with a bow around it. Mira was washing the dishes and lastly, Laxus and the Thunder Legion are at the request board to find a job.

Just then the doors opened revealing Lisanna and Lucy. They saw Lisanna and Lucy enter and everyone froze.

Everyone was trying to figure out who the girl with golden blonde hair and big chocolate brown eyes was.

The Guilds POV

It was a normal day at the guild until the doors opened revealing Lisanna and a blond haired brown eyed girl.

Everyone just stopped and stared at her trying to figure out who she was.

It was dead silent.

However it is broken by Levy and Wendy yelling out

"Is that really you Lucy?!?"

"Yup the one and only!" This 'Lucy' had said

"We missed you so much" Wendy says

"I missed you guys too" She responded

Natsu's POV

We were all just staring at her. But I do have to admit she is really pretty.

Then all of the sudden we hear Levy and Wendy yell

"Is that really you Lucy?!?"

So that's her name.

For some strange reason I have already started to develop a crush on her. But I have to get a hold of myself I literally just met her.

"Yup it me" She answers in the most angelic voice I have ever heard.

I swear the light was giving her this unreal glow.

Wendy's POV

When I saw Lucy I almost lost it. I missed her so much.

I couldn't hold back, so I run up to her and tackle her into a hug and we end up on the on floor.

After we get up we noticed that the entire guild was still just staring at us.

Hey guys do you know where master is?" Lisanna is the one to break the silence

"He's in his office" Mira replies

"Thanks! Come on, Lucy!" Lisanna says already at the bottom of the stairs

"Coming! Wendy, Levy you guys coming or not!" Lucy yells

"We're coming" Levy and I say in unison.

Levy's POV

As we walk to masters office, I remember we have to tell him our secret. As we were about to go in, I stopped them.

"What's the matter Levy?" Lisanna questions

"I had just remembered that we have to tell him about that." I said

"Levy has a point we can't hide it from master any longer." Wendy said

"She does have a point" Lucy agreed

"There's no point in hiding it right, guys?" Lisanna reassured.

We all agreed to let master know about our secret.

We finally go in and tell master that Lucy wanted to join and of course he said yes.

Then we told master our secret that we made him promise he can't tell anyone. Including the fact, that he was the only one who knew until we decided it was time.

After we finished our conversation, we head back downstairs.

We went to Mira so Lucy could get her insignia. As we walked to Mira everyone still hadn't stoped staring at Lucy.

No Ones POV

Once they reach Mira, Lucy speaks up "Ummm.... Hi master said I should come here to get my insignia."

"Of course were do you want it" Mira asked in a warm voice

"On my right hand, please." Once Mira stamps Lucy's hand you are able to see a pink fairy tail emblem.

"By the way what's you name?" Mira asks Lucy

"My name is Lucy Heartfilia"

"Well nice to meet you Lucy what kind of magic do you use?" Mira curiously asked

"Well you see, I am a celestial wizard."

"That's cool they're aren't a lot of celestial wizards around." Mira said

Once Lucy was introduced to everyone, someone had shouted "Lets Party!"

The replies they got were "Yeah!" or "Partying is MAN!"

All throughout the night Lucy, Wendy, Levy and Lisanna never left each others side.

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