1-Electric love

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Welcome to my new MHA one shots. So some basic stuff to say before we begin. No Izuocha one shots will be here. As much as I love that ship, I already have a book with over a hundred so go there if you want those. That's not to say they won't be together or have some moments in these, but they're not the main focus.

Next I do take requests, but I'm not doing anything morally wrong or ones I hate. Maybe something I feel neutral about, but nothing I dislike. So leave requests and I will see.

So obviously no ships at all with Izuku and Ochako.

Now here's the first one. Enjoy.

Darkness had fallen all around the school of U.A. It wasn't quite yet curfew time for all the students to be in their rooms, but it was fast approaching. Many had already tucked in for the night, and the few who hadn't were in the main room just talking or watching late TV.

One particular girl was in her room writing a song on a certain journal she kept. That girl is named Jiro. She was currently working on a song. Being a musician wasn't her main focus, that would be becoming a hero, but it was nice to have something on the side to do. And a good fall back plan just in case.

She was having some trouble though. Writing songs were tough. Especially with how many songs there already are and that just makes it harder to come up with something completely original to her.

'Jeez' She thought to herself as she looked at what she had done so far. It definitely was nowhere near finished. Not even half. Actually not a single thing was written other than the header which read: Song take number 17. She sighed as she leaned her back against the chair thinking hard.

Just then there was a knock on the door. She wasn't expecting anyone, especially this late. Hopefully it was important as she didn't like distractions. She set her pen down and got up from her chair to open the door.

"Yo Jiro!" It was Kaminari, much to her annoyance.

Jiro shut the door and sat back down in her chair, though Kaminari opened it back up as she didn't lock it.

"What the heck was that about!?" Kaminari lightly shouted from having a door slammed into his face by her.

" I'm busy Pikachu. What is it?" She asked not taking her eyes off of her music journal. Kaminari walked over to get a better look at it.

"Oh whatcha writing!?" He asked, avoiding the question he himself had just been asked. She slammed it shut angrily and hid it away. She didn't like her stuff looked at. She had half a mind to jap his eye out right now with her ear jack.

"None of your business! Now get out!" She was starting to get even more annoyed by him being nosey about her personal stuff.

" Can you teach me sometime?" Kaminari asked out of nowhere, once again not listening to her request. This confused her as she didn't know what he was talking about.

"Teach you what?" She asked with an eyebrow raised. He pointed over at a guitar just sitting in the corner. It was definitely her favorite instrument of everything she owned. Maybe even her favorite item she owned too.

"No." She quickly denied his request.

"Please?" He asked nicely

"No." She said a bit more ticked off.

"Pretty please?" He knew what he was doing

"..... Why are you doing that?" She asked shaking her head slightly.

"Doing what?" He asked.

Jiro found herself pissed at what he was doing. Yet she also found part of what he was doing cute. She definitely would never admit that though.

"If I teach you one thing, will you leave?" She asked wanting him out. Or at least that's what her head was saying at the moment.

He gave a dorky smile "Deal!" He happily agreed, his smile getting even bigger.

Jiro got up from her chair, retrieved her guitar, and sat back down, holding it like a professional would.  She pointed to the thickest string on the neck of the guitar.

"See this cord? It's called an E cord. It's the thickest cord that a guitar has on it. " She gave it a quick strum with her finger and it made a nice sound. She already had it tuned very well in the past.

"I see. You need more cords though to make a song though" He grabbed a chair and pulled up beside her. Jiro wasn't paying attention, she kept looking at her guitar. She felt warm inside. It was nice to have someone be so interested in her music. Sure a lot of her other classmates asked from time to time, and even did a concert with her once, but she can't remember the last time someone actually asked for a lesson about an instrument.

She has a tiny smile pop up on her face from that feeling. Kaminari took notice and he took smiled. " So what's the next cord?" He asked.

"Well the one above the E cord is T- Hey! I said one thing and you promised!" Jiro snapped out of it after realizing he was still there.

"True, true. I'll be going. " He got up from his chair and walked over to the door. "Oh by the way. I actually came to give you this" He tossed a tiny box to her and when she opened it, she took out a guitar pick with Pikachu on it. 

" Now you can think of me whenever you play!" He laughed. He meant that entire thing as a joke and didn't expect her to actually use it. It would probably be at the dump in the morning. " Well have a good n-

"Same time tomorrow?" She asked quietly out of nowhere.

Kaminari tilted his head and blinked twice at her, confused at what she just said.

"What?" He asked still surprised

"Come back here same time tomorrow. I... I'll teach you the next cord. Or whatever" She turned completely around. She knew she was blushing, but she would kill him if he ever saw it.

Kaminari had his mouth slightly open in surprise, but he closed it with a smile.

"Alright. It's a date then. I'll be here tomorrow" He closed the door and Jiro turned around angry at those words.

" It's not a damn date!" She yelled. He didn't come back in, but she knew he heard her as he could his laughter and his footsteps walking away from her room.

She set her guitar down and sat back down in her chair, opening her journal back up. She looked at it thinking for a few seconds before she wrote a title down for a song.

My electric heartache

As this is my first non Izuocha one shot, please let me know what you think. I know it's not long but it's my first attempt so forgive me and remember you can leave request. Thx!

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