2- Kirimina late night chat

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The reception for the first one went pretty well. Let's see how it goes.

Kirishima yawned as he entered the dorms with a wet towel wrapped around his neck. He had just gotten some late training done and had just made it back minutes before their curfew was to set in. He had gotten a bit carried away.and lost track of time but he was able to make it.

He walked over to the fridge and planned to grab a bottle of water, but the fridge didn't have any. " Damn" He cussed under his breath.

So he instead sat down to rest for a minute and took a deep sigh as he took the towel and rubbed some of his sweat off.

He nearly jumped out of his seat when he heard some giggling coming from his right side.

"Hehe. Hey Horn buddy. Not very manly to jump just from a giggle" It was Mina and she was giggling from seeing his reaction and from the tease she just threw at him.

"Oh hey Mina. What are you doing down here?" He asked still surprised.

"I wanted to make sure you got this" She tossed something to him and he caught it with ease. It was a full, cold water bottle.

"You got this for me?" He asked feeling touch that she did that for him.

She gave a nod. " I saw you going out to train and I found out we didn't have much water left so I saved one for you and kept it in a mini fridge." She explained to the red head.

"I hope Midoriya got one as well. He went out to train too" He said while opening the bottle.

" Ah don't worry about him.  Ochako took one to him. You should have seen it. She had a bit of an "accident" and fell on top of him " She smiled a bit extra at the accident part.

"Did you trip her?" He asked already knowing the answer.

"Oh c'mon those two obviously like each other! I'm just giving her a bit of a push... litteraly " she giggled some more.

Kirishima laughed a bit himself and he drank about 3/4 of the bottle in one go. He sat it down on the table.

"Thank you Mina. I really appreciate it" He bowed his head slightly at her in appreciation.

"It's nothing. I also thought we could have a talk. We have been pretty busy since coming here that we don't get to talk as much as we did back at our last school together." She said looking straight at him.

"Alright sure. Anything specific you wanted to chat about?" He asked.

"Yep. Do you want to go out?" She asked very seriously.

He was a bit confused on my what exactly she meant.

"What do you mean go out?" He asked.

"You know. Date. Each other. I really hope I don't have to spell it out any clearer for you" She smiled gently.

"Oh!" He was now surprised by her sudden confession. He had a small blush appear on his face. He couldn't tell if Mina was either, mostly due to her already being pink.

"Yeah I know it's probably not the best way to confess to someone, but hey I just like to get straight to the point. So what do you say?" She asked with hopeful eyes.

"Do you mind if I ask why you want to go out with me? Wouldn't you prefer someone like Todorkoi or Bakugo or even Iida?" He asked her.

Her smile went away.

"I'm not interested in them, and they already have girls who are interested in them anyway "She explained and he raised an eyebrow.

"How do you know that?" He asked.

Her smile came back. " I know everything about love around this place." Her smile then went away again. " Besides it's only natural that I have a crush on you. We have known each for such a long time, you have inspired me so much, and we've been through a lot as well. " She explained in a very serious tone.

" I look up to you as well, but Mina. You know I'm still not completely over everything that happened back in our last school. I'm getting better and I definitely have more confidence now. But I don't know if you really wa-

" I know what I want, and I want you. You really should have even more confidence in yourself, especially after everything we have been through. You're going to be a great hero one day. And I hope to be alongside you as well. Assuming you're going to accept my confession. " She watched as Kirishima drank the rest of the water and crushed the bottle.

" I know you're right Mina. I promise I will one day have a lot of confidence in myself. And I truly hope that to become a great hero. Mostly because of how you and everyone else has helped me along the way, and I don't think having you alongside me would be a bad idea. So yeah I think I do accept it " He smiled happily at her, accepting her confession.

He got a slight push on the shoulder with Mina giggling once again.

"Very cheesey. " She teased at him, sticking her tongue out.

"Is that a bad thing?" He asked playing along.

"Since you accepted my feelings, I'm going to say it's not a bad thing at all. " She leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips. " And now I stole your first kiss" She smiled even more at him with a teasing stare.

"You forgot how much of a man I can be" He grabbed her and gently pulled her face again she his, planting their lips together as they were having a deep kiss now.

Mina found that for someone who can make his entire body hard, he had pretty soft lips. And she was enjoying every second of the kiss. They separated after about fifteen seconds.

"You know, you're supposed to close your eyes when you kiss dummy" She teased once again.

"I didn't see your eyes closed either " He retorted.

"I was just too shocked!" She laughed as she defended herself and Kirishima laughed as well.

After settling down they both got up.

"I guess I'll see you in class tomorrow then" Kirishima said after throwing away the bottle.

"Definitely. Have a good night. Horn buddy " She kissed his cheek and skipped away happily.

With that, kirishima started to head back to his room. He didn't expect to pass by Kaminari who had a smile on his face too.

"What's got you happy so late?" Kirishima asked him.

"Oh nothing much. Just gave someone a gift and it went better than I thought. What about you bro?" Kaminari asked seeing Kirishima was also in a good mood.

"I guess I also had a good time with a special someone" His smile increased and they both went their separate ways.

I didn't really like this one tbh. Don't hate it but to me it was meh. Maybe cuz it's the first time I wrote kirimina.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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