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GoodTimesWithScar woke up to light filtering through the window, and little bugs flitting through the air.

That's strange. He was just terraforming. He ran through the events. He sent G to go store some materials. He worked on the annoying sections of land while he waited. He saw G coming back and he smiled. He heard a slight hissing noise, a flash of white. Now he's here.

Oh. An explosion.


His first instinct was to assume that one of Tango's experiments had gone wrong. Just another death on top of the hundreds he had already racked up.

His second instinct was to realize that Grian was also beside him, and that they weren't at Hermitcraft. They were here. Lives linked. In a death game.

He looked over at Grian. Grian who was sat up, staring blankly at the wall in front of them. He gently touched his hand. No reaction.


His eyes flicked with recognition momentarily before snapping back to the blank empty surface.

"It's all my fault..." Grian whispered, still in his otherworldly plane of existence. "I'm so sorry..."

"G...? What're you sorry for, love?"

"I keep hurting you."

Scar's heart shattered into a million pieces.

"Oh... Darling..."

Slow tears began to slip down Grian's cheeks, but he made no effort to wipe them away.

"Scar... I... I held a sword to your neck..."

Grian was shaking now.

"I- I was gonna do it. I was gonna do it."

Scars vision went blurry from his own tears.

"Scar, I killed you. I killed you. Every single death you've ever had has been my fault. Every. Last. One."

Grian squeezed his hands into fists.

"I- whether it be shoving you into the Boatem hole far too many times to count, or not being able to catch you when you fell into that ravine, or not being there to save you when you slam into walls."

"It's always my fault, in one way or another."

And Scar pulled him close. Wrapped him up tight in a hug, burying his nose in his hair.

Scar was crying as well now, voice cracking as he began to gently whisper .

"I've never blamed you for anything. And when it comes down to it, I'm really the one to blame for my deaths. They're just byproducts of my naivety."

And Grian didn't say anything else, just gripped Scar's shirt tightly, as if he would evaporate if he let go.

Eventually his breathing evened out a little, and his grip loosened. Scar looked down to see him asleep against his chest.

Scar pulled him a bit closer to sit more comfortably.

It wasn't Grian's fault. In Scars eyes, Grian could do no wrong. It was Scar's fault, really. It always was. Perhaps he was too naïve to see it until now. Until Grian had broken down in his arms and cried because of Scar's foolishness. After the man that Scar loved blamed himself for Scar's mistakes

Now Grian was crying, blaming himself for Scar getting rid of one of their three flimsy chances at survival

Scar was a fucking dumbass.

He'd fucked up so badly, far beyond repair. He wasn't even going to ask for forgiveness; he knew he didn't deserve it.

Bird fluttered in through their open window, landing on their perch in the corner of the room. They made a few small chirping noises as they had a drink and some seed from the little bowl.

Grian didn't have to apologies for anything. It was all Scar's fault. And he wouldn't, he couldn't, repeat his mistakes.

He would find a way to make it up to Grian. No matter what it took.

Across the server, Pearlescent moon continued hacking away at the area of rock she was clearing. And Renthedog grinned sharply as he pushed some goats into a hole for later. And Ldshadowlady, MumboJumbo, EthosLab and SmallishBeans all cheered proudly as they stared at their finished base, a giant pirate ship, with a coral reef in a moat, glimmering under the night sky. A scene straight from a fairytale.

And in the smallest corner of the world, Bird puffed up their bright yellow feathers as the sun shone upon them, and their song drifted slightly off key.


Yea uh sorry this took way to long lol I just had literally no motivation.

Also sorry it's still hella short.

Lololol, a chance to mentally brutalise a character?? Count me tf in!

Idk, I don't really have much to say about this chapter sorry. I think it's cool that we're getting a closer look at scars mental state, I think I might be rushing it a lil tho tbh. I might slow the declination a bit. Give 'em all some healing. Yea this is a death game but we can still have fun lmao.

So for my English class we have to write a short story, right?
Anyways that was two days ago and now I have over a thousand words of a Rancher Duo oneshot, and I'm not done yet. I should be done in a few days. Honestly I'm kinda proud of it. Do y'all want me to post it here for you guys?

Welp, thanks for reading ig! See ya whenever tf the next chapter is.

13/07/23 edit:

hi lol. uh. i got an a+ for the rancher duo oneshot lmao.

but i mayhaps also screwed up while doing so- cuz uh- i used the name "Scar goodtimes" in the fic, and uh. a few weeks later i made a hermitcraft reference and my teacher understood and they said they knew who scar was. so uh. theres  a very high chance they know its a fic- 


again, didnt do much change to the story. struggled with rens name again, did some italicising, that kind of thing. 

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