Just Curious...

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Blue watches in awe as Red uses his half ripped apart artifact he "borrowed" from Purple, creating tentacles which protruded from the artifact. It slithers side to side, almost like it's dancing in a way.

"Is- is it really that cool..?" Red asks. It's really not that much of a show if he was completely honest, but he's still flattered. If this much impresses Blue, maybe he could win off a talent show! ...If they allowed impostors.

"I mean, yeah, do the impostors really take their time to show off?" Blue says. "..most of the time they just kill us off in the spot." he adds in a snark. Then Blue realizes its sort of praising impostors in a way, which yeah, he is doing that, but then they're also the people who have massacred the crew they have once called friends so in an attempt to backtrack a little, he speaks.

"Maybe it just helps that.. you're just a cool person in general."

The compliment hits Red like a truck. "OH- I, uh, th-thank you." he manages to stutter out in flustered confusion. Blue's visor just curves gleefully in response, seemingly happy to make Red happy. Blue has always been a bit of a shining star for him. Despite being in a cold, dark abyss it seemingly manages to shine through and lets that try to not stop it. Blue has been a victim of multiple grim situations, and the bandages wrapped around his body already serves as proof for that. It was once injuries, yet patched up or not, it hadn't affected Blue's character. He has always been a positive person, a good role model for Red. Unlike Blue, these recent times he's more of tired and paranoid. He just hopes that one day.. he'll get that positivity in every situation.

Blue is still distracted by the tentacles, seemingly entranced by it. Focus seems to have returned a moment later, since he turns towards Red to ask a question. "Can... can I touch it?"

Red feels a sudden apprehension. The tentacles DID dig into his skin then proceed to infect him, including a lot of pain on the side. It was obviously, really unpleasant. An experience he definitely doesn't recommend to anybody at all.

"No. You might get infected."

Blue does a slight 'awh', but he doesn't try to convince Red any further. It would hurt if he saw Blue getting infected, but he wonders what Blue would've felt if he did. He always knows how to see the good in things, maybe he would've found a way to enjoy a stress-free life as an impostor. Red for sure can't.

"Are there... any more things that thing can do?" Blue questions.

Red eyes the artifact, all that he has done is show that it could summon tentacles so far. He gets his finger to press the top part of the artifact, and like a button, it makes a click sound and it brings up a holographic menu of different buttons. All of them are sabotages.

"I can make the reactor explode."

"Actually, don't."

Both of them chuckle a bit.

Red thinks that the little impostor show-and-tell thing is over, after all, he doesn't fancy cutting off everyone's oxygen just to show off to Blue and he doesn't know how to stick out tentacles out from his O2 tank like what Fortegreen could do, but then he catches Blue staring at him. He seems like he has a thought in mind, and while the interest is clearly showing through Blue's visor, there is plenty of nervous apprehension.

"You.. look like you want to tell me something." Red says, and immediately Blue looks away with his face getting a bit red, like a person who'd just been caught red-handed at a place they are not supposed to be.

"WELL, I- uh, was thinking." Blue stammers around nervously, trying to find the right words he could possibly use to make his thoughts less weird. Red just waits for him to finish the sentence, curious to what's made him so flustered.

Blue gulps. "Can I.. touch your tongue..?"


Red, taken aback from the strange request, immediately goes red at the thought. Maybe it just helps that he's naturally red so it doesn't look like he's blushing too much. He hasn't even gotten the time to say something as Blue quickly stammers up a response, trying to explain himself.

"I- I don't m-mean it in a- a WEIRD way! It's j-just that-" Blue pauses from his panicked tone, trying to quickly think up a reason. "I'm curious.. that's all."

Red just stands there, a bit stunned. He is considering it though. After all, it's hard to refuse Blue when he's so eager to know. And he's intrigued by him, so it's difficult to refuse. Red swallows before speaking up.

"O-okay. Sure." he wonders if he'll ever regret saying that.

Blue lights up at the answer with his hands momentarily shaking up and down, it was as if yellow sparkles were basically radiating from his body. Red feels a slight hesitation though, unsure if he should do it but he tries his best to get the mentality of getting this over with. So after a few seconds, he opens his jagged mouth, showing his sharp teeth and he slowly brings out his tongue.

Blue watches eagerly as he sees the tongue come out, and after a couple of seconds it reaches its full extent. Blue slowly approaches to the side of Red's tongue while in awe at the sight. He then gets his hands under the tongue to hold it, which starts to rest on his hands.

"Woah.." Blue says in wonder. It's a bit of a weird feeling, with the organ being soft in Blue's hands, and it's pretty damp as well. Red feels the coldness of the hands that made contact to his tongue, but it slowly fades to a warm sensation. He's actually doing this. He feels like he could just run away out of sheer embarrassment and never come back, but he wouldn't dare to do that. After all, it unexpectedly feels... kind of nice. 

"These things can get pretty long!" he exclaims, admiring the length. Red can't really properly say anything back, with his tongue being being busy in Blue's hands but he could feel his face heating up by the second.

Blue looks towards the end of Red's tongue, which gets slimmer until it turns to a pointy tip that's enough to pierce someone. The crewmate uses his left hand to glide across the underside of the tongue while his right stays near the entrance of the mouth. The sudden warm sensation moving across causes Red to let out a small noise of surprise. His tongue is really delicate after all. "Whoops, sorry..!" Blue apologizes. Guess it was too fast for him, so Blue starts slowly moving his hands instead.

He has to take a few steps sideways so his hand can reach the end, tenderly dragging it across the wet tongue. His left hand eventually reaches it, and gets his fingers to inspect. It turns to Blue fiddling with the tip, admiring how pointy it is. "It's pretty sharp." he comments, minding how sharp it is so that he wouldn't get accidentally pierced.

Red on the other hand, is not holding up so well. He's experiencing an array of confusing emotions like; confusion, embarrassment and strangely, enjoyment. If you were to put your feelings inside a blender and blended it but you didn't close the cover properly and now your feelings are threatening to spill. That. That is Red right now, and he's about to explode at any given moment.

Blue stops with the tip and moves onto the parts of the tongue near Red's mouth. He wraps both hands on his fingers around it to examine, lifting it up and taking better looks while Red watches, still blushing as he lets his friend feel around his tongue.

It was when he accidentally tugs the tongue forwards which causes Red to instantly retract his tongue back in pain, like what the tape would do at tape measures. Blue realizes he made a mistake and starts to apologize towards Red, who has seemingly looked away while using his two hands to cover his mouth.

"Shit, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-!"

"N-no worries. It's all f-fine." Red responds, while still looking away from Blue. Thinking about the experience and the unexpected pleasant sensation he felt, he's too flustered to properly speak.

Blue makes a sigh of relief. "I... hope the tongue request wasn't too weird for you."

"I-It's alright." Red says. "I liked it anyways."

Oh. Shit, Red didn't mean to blurt the last part out and it was clearly audible enough for Blue to hear. Red hasn't turned around to face Blue yet but he definitely knows Blue has a cheeky face on now.

"You did?"

Red hesitates to answer, not wanting to dig his embarrassment grave even further yet he gets the courage to reply.


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