My Little Pony Antagonists x Male Xerneas Reader:
Reader Info:
In the land of Equestria, most know of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.Celestia commands the sun and manages the day, while Luna commands the moon and manages the night.
However, there is another similar Duo on Earth who command creation and destruction.
You are command life, while Yveltal commands Destruction.
Yveltal awakens to cause havoc and destruction before finally becoming a caccoon and sleeping hibernating for a long while.
Then you come in and ensure that new life spawns from the ashes.
It is a delicate balance and unlike Celestia and Luna who rule over Equestria, you and Yveltal are not too well-known as you rather than rule over a kingdom wander the land and Yveltal is sleeping most of the time at the bottom of the ocean.
You heard what happened to Luna, how she became Nightmare Moon and how she was sealed in the moon.
You visited Celestia to see how she was doing only to end up in one of Equestria's darkest hours with Nightmare Moon returning.
Future Stories, Ideas and Suggestions for anyone to try if they want Part 2
RandomAnother book of ideas because I have too many.