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One Piece x Male Josuke Higashikata(part 8) Reader:

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One Piece x Male Josuke Higashikata(part 8) Reader:

Reader Info:One day in Amazon Lily, a body washed up on the beach, a body of a man and that man was you

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Reader Info:
One day in Amazon Lily, a body washed up on the beach, a body of a man and that man was you.

Your body was found by one of the Islanders and she was shocked to find a man and even more shocked to find that you were still breathing...and naked.

Immediately she alerted the others including Boa Hancock herself and your still unconscious body was taken and thrown into a cell.

An odd thing Hancock took notice of when examining your body was the Star-shaped birth mark on your shoulder which also had an odd bite mark as well.

You woke up in your cell with a splitting headache and no memory of your past.

You were understandably confused, but fortunately or perhaps unfortunately Hancock came to talk to you.

She demanded to know why you were here, who you were and why you were naked.

Since you had amnesia you couldn't answer any of her questions.

Hancock was ready to kill you believing you were playing dumb.

She attempted to use her Mero Mero No Mi power to turn you into stone but was shocked to find it had no effect on you.

You were confused by this and asked her if that was meant to do anything.

Hancock feeling offended and a flustered left in a huff leaving you even more confused.

You were then visited by Sandersonia who was a little more reasonable than her sister and asked you the same questions her sister did and you answered the same.

You had no idea who you were and where you came from or why you were naked.

Unlike with Hancock, Sandersonia seemed to believe you and later she returned with a Sailor's Uniform for you.

She said she convinced her sister to let you out of the cell so long as you promised to serve them as a slave boy and forced to wear a collar.

You literally had nothing better to do or anywhere to go so you agreed and Sandersonia promised she'd try to make things as bearable as possible for you.

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