Sweet conversation

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Ellie POV

Bucky takes me to our favourite diner, he bought me here when I first joined the team and now it's become our place to eat.
"Burger and fries please with a chocolate milkshake"
"Me too but a strawberry milkshake please"
"Coming right up"
I look at Bucky and he is smiling over at me.
"What you looking at Barnes?"
"A beautiful woman"
"Your ever the charmer James"
"I do try"

"How you feeling?" He asks
"Better. Thank you"
"Your welcome. I'm always here for you"
"I know thank you and you know I'm always here too right"
"Of course"
Our food gets delivered and we eat away while having small talk, it's always so easy with Bucky, he makes me calm and at peace. We share a past that not many would understand but he does, he understands me and I think that's one of the many reasons why I fell in love with him.

Bucky has tried so hard to leave all of that behind and I feel like if I was to tell him how I feel then I would be dragging him back into it. I'm still not fully healed mentally and I don't want to cause him any pain. He must sense I'm over thinking, he takes my hand and starts to soothingly rub his thumb over my knuckles.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, sorry just thinking"
"A lot of different things but mostly I'm thinking about how grateful I am for you"

"Yeah. You've taken care of me and protected me since I arrived at the compound and you didn't have to do that but you did."
"Ellie, what happened to you was beyond your control, I had to help you. I wanted to help you and you helped me too. You helped me heal. I owe you so much"
I smile and finish my milkshake, once we are all finished, Bucky pays the bill and we decide to go for a walk. It's a nice night and I don't want to go back to the compound just yet.

"Do you think Tony will get him out of there?"
"I think he will. He knows how much it means to
"I hope so Buck, I just want to help him"
"And you will" he takes my hand in his "your destined to help these kids Ellie, I know you will be able too"
"Thank you"
"You know you've thanked me a lot today"
"I know but there will never be enough thanks in this world for you Bucky Barnes. I'm so happy you came into my life"
I wrap my arms around him and he wraps his around me holding me close.

"Shall we head home?" He whispers
"I suppose so"
We climb back on the bike and speed off to the compound. Arriving just as everyone is settled in the movie room. They turn and steve smiles "good dinner guys?"
"Come join us"
We snuggle down with the team, me leaning into Buckys side and we start the movie. One of my favourite. Im so lucky to have these people but I hope that I can help the children out there who are like me and I know that Bucky will be by my side when I do.

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