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Bucky POV

"Hey Tony, got a few minutes?" I ask as I walk into his lab. He turns looking a little shocked I'm stood in front of him. Me and Tony have a strained relationship, he has forgiven me for what happened with his father but he still doesn't really see me as a friend.
"What's up? Ellie okay?"
"Yeah, the medication Bruce gave her is helping her. She's much better"
"Okay, so?"
"Right. Ellie father....I want to see him"
"What? Your joking right?"
"No I'm not"

"Why would you possibly want to see him?"
"He is the only one I believe can get Ellie's memories back"
"Really? He would never agree to that. Neither would she"
"It's killing her Tony, to not remember her past. She gets so upset and angry when she remembers a small part of her life but can't seem to pull the full memory. I need to help her"
"Barnes going to the man who did this to her, she wouldn't want that"
"I know but Tony I have to do something please"
"Fine. But only when we speak to Ellie about it. I don't want to keep anything from her Barnes"
"Okay. Wait till she is fully better and we will speak with her"

Once we had made the plan I headed back to Ellie to find out how she was. I'd spent most of my time with her the last couple of days, ensuring she was drinking and eating properly and taking her pills. She hated being waited on but she knew it was for her own good. As I get to her door, I knock and poke my head around. She is sitting up and watching something on TV.
"Hey" I say as I walk inside, sitting on the side of her bed.
"Hey, you okay?"
"Yeah. How are you feeling?"
"So much better, Bruce checked me over and I'm doing good. Another day and I should be back to normal"
"Thats great"

"You sure your okay bucky?"
"Yeah, im okay. Really. Just tired I guess"
"I'm sorry, I've been keeping you awake haven't I"
"No" I take her hand and kiss the back of it "Ellie, you haven't. I'm okay."
She smiles sweetly at me and I can't help but smile back.
"So what you watching?"
"A documentary about tigers"
"You do love tigers"
"I do. There such beautiful creatures"
"Not as beautiful as you" I say out loud before I even think. She looks up at me, i shake my head.
"No don't apologise, that was very sweet thank you"
"Your welcome"

"Do you have anything to do today? Any missions?"
"Not today, I might go train for a bit got a pretty big mission on in 2 days"
" long?"
"Probably a week, 2 at most"
"Oh" I see her look down and I can tell she is upset. I place my finger under her chin and gently lift her face to mine.
"I'll be okay. I'll come back like I always do"
"I know" she sighs "just going to miss having you here I guess"
"I'll miss being here too"
She smiles and places her hand on my cheek, I can't help but lean into her touch.

She gently pulls me forward and places a soft kiss on my lips. It felt amazing, I always want to be kissing this woman.
"What was that for?"
"I just wanted too, is that okay?"
I nod "of course. I just don't want to push you"
"Your not Bucky, you've been amazing to me and I know this is weird and crazy but I can understand why the old me fell in love with you"
I can't help but smile "not just because of my good looks then?"
She shakes her head and laughs "no.....but they definitely help" she winks at me and I smile. Everyday I see more and more of my Ellie coming back. I just hope when we talk about her father she will agree to let him help, I just want to help her get back to who she is.

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