Chapter 1

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Phayu had a sinking feeling all day that day...

he couldn't shake it off no matter what, a sort of panic that was creeping up on his heart and squeezing it painfully. He talked to Rain, Talked to his parents, and even tried to call Saifah who sent him a quick message that he was busy in the garage... he even called Prapai who tried to cheer him up when he called him.

then what was that sinking feeling for...

He couldn't focus or work, couldn't keep his eyes on his laptop for more than 2 seconds... he kept looking at his phone... He expected something to happen... he kept waiting for his phone to ring but he didn't even know what he was waiting for.

In the end, he opted to just call it a day early and Pick up his boy from the faculty before heading home... nothing bad can happen while he was at home now, Could it?

He drove to the faculty, and sat there greeting the other students and waiting for Rain to finish his lectures for the day, he knew he was probably early, but at least waiting for Rain made him feel like he was doing something, other than sitting around in the office brewing in anxiety

He saw Rain make his way out of the faculty before he caught a glimpse of Phayu and waved to him... he wrapped up with his friends before he made his way to Phayu in a hurry.

"Do we have something arranged or something? Did I forget about any of our plans ?"

Phayu shook his head

"No, I just couldn't sit in the office any longer so I thought it might be a good idea to wait for you and take you home..."

Rain nodded... he could see Phayu a bit worried...

"Did something happen in the firm today? You seem a bit worried..."

"Just feeling off today... don't worry nothing happened..."

Rain tried to cheer Phayu up during their drive home, He kept talking about the new recipes he planned to cook for them during the weekend and his assignments but to no avail, Phayu was growing anxious, Something was wrong... He just couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong...

Once they were home, Phayu unlocked the door but was met with utter and unexpected darkness. Saifah should be home, or he should have called him back if he was stuck in the garage... it took him a few seconds to adjust to the darkness and open the lights...

He put his stuff down and made his way inside the house, till he saw something that made the blood freeze in his veins...

Saifah was sprawled on the floor...beaten and bloody... He ran to his brother... crippling fear taking over everything else in his mind.

He heard Rain shout his name...

"P'Phayu!! What is it?"

Rain came to him and he froze when He saw Saifah...

Saifah was on his side...he was bleeding from somewhere Phayu couldn't see and he was beaten... there were bruises everywhere Phayu could see... He was unconscious, He was not responding to Phayu when he kept calling his name, and Phayu feared the worst...

Phayu put his fingers on his pulse point and breathed a frantic sigh of relief when he found his pulse...

"Rain! Call the ambulance!!"

Rain dialed the ambulance franticly, gave them the address... He too sat on Saifah's other side...

"P'Phayu!! There's a bleeding wound on his side..."

"Rain! Get me a towel... Quickly..."

Rain ran to do as Phayu asked, While taking stock of his brother's injuries... Rain came back and handed Phayu the towel... he pushed it down on the stab wound to stop the bleeding, Rain kept an eye out for the ambulance... and once he heard the sirens he ran to open the door for them...

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