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I did my Smokey eye and put on my water proof mascara and my bright red liquid lipstick. I put on my dress and put my hair up in a an elegant bun. I put on my heels and grabbed my clutch and then I left grabbing my keys and phone on my way out. I locked my door and went down the hallway to the elevator. I hit the lobby button and waited for it to close and go down.

"WAIT HOLD THE DOOR." someone yelled and I instantly hit the open door button as they were closing. "Thanks!" The guy said coming in. I nodded and hit the button again.

"What floor?" I asked.

"Lobby." He smiled. I nodded and leaned my head back against the wall and I closed my eyes.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Just tired I guess." I mumbled as the elevator came to a stop and I somewhat smiled at him before leaving to my truck and driving to the church.

"Hey Sabina. How ya feeling?" My cousin Brenda asked hugging me.

"Just peachy!" I said sarcastically and we walked into the building and sat down in the front bench of the small church with my mom's casket on the small stage.

"And now Isabella's daughter is here to say something words." The priest said and I stood up took a deep breath and walked up onto the stage and closed my eyes.

"My mother was, graceful, beautiful, kind, and smart. She said she never wanted me or my siblings to feel pain. But I guess that's how her legacy went. We always had everything we ever needed, we were always happy. My mom and I almost never fought, she was an amazing person. She was hilarious. I remember one time she asked me what I wanted to do with my life after school. So I told her I wanted to be a psychologist. Her reaction of course was ew porque no ases algo más divertido. Ew why don't you do something more fun? And of course me being me, I asked her if I could join a gang." I said and the room started laughing. "And heh she of course didn't know what that was." And the room started laughing again. "So she asked if she could eat that with a tortilla." The room laughed again. "So then I was like, fine can I join the mafia. And she said sure. I can already see you stabbing someone. I of course thought that was hilarious and she didn't. So whoops. But I mean my mom and I always had the dumbest conversations ever and I loved it. I'm gonna miss going to kiddy land with my mom and then making  Her go back to regular rides and forcing her onto the slingshot with me." I said and the room laughed. "I know it was hilarious. But now that she's gone, she's still gonna have her legacy. All the dumb things we did, all the smart things we'd occasionally do. But that's it my mom was my Angel. But I guess god needs her back." I cried. "Now is my uncle Roberto." I said and walked off the stage. I sat down and basically just stared into space the rest of it.
"Sabina, honey wait up." Someone said making me freeze I know that voice.

"You!" I said spinning around. "You got some nerve showing up here after what you did!" I shouted at my sad excuse of a father.

"What? Oh your mother! Hideous old thing wasn't she!" He said and I slapped him and pinned him up against my truck.

"She was gorgeous. She died young. And she was strong enough to take care of three kids and start dating again knowing what could happen. While you ran off with some whore that's half your age." I said. "Now this is what's gonna happen you fucking cunt. Your gonna leave me and Valerie alone got it you shit." I said and he nodded before I literally threw him aside and got into my truck and drove to the front of the church and grabbed Valerie's bags then put her in her car seat and buckled her in.

"Bye aunt Laura." I said and hugged her. She nodded and hugged me then we went our separate ways. I got into my car and turned around to see Valerie staring at me.

"Wanna get ice cream?" I asked and she nodded excitedly. "So do you like London?" I asked as we pulled up to a small ice cream shop and I jumped out and helped her out and held hand as we walked into the building and I put her on my hip.

"Yeah, it's pretty and then I saw Mickey mouse stores and I sad a girl that looked like Ariel." She went on talking about a street performer who gave her a hug.

"Can I get two chocolate cones?" I asked and the guy behind the counter nodded I sat Valerie on the counter and pulled out five dollars.

"Here ya go!" He said and Valerie grabbed them. I handed him the money.

"Thanks!" I said and took Valerie off the counter and grabbed my ice cream cone and we walked back to the truck. I helped her in, buckled her up, and then got in the front seat and we drove to my apartment. I grabbed her bags and we went into the building and to the elevator.

"Bina I tiwed." Valerie said as we walked in.

"Let's get you ready for bed then." I said and threw away her ice cream cone gave her a bath. Put her into her Minnie mouse footsie pajamas and put socks on her. I brushed her hair and put it into two Dutch braids. She brushed her teeth and then I have her dinner and tucked her into bed. I read her a story and she fell asleep. I then took a shower and put on my sweat shorts, and a loose tee shirt while scrubbing off the remaining makeup. I put on my long socks and lifted my hair into a messy loop bun.

I sat down and finished my paper then hit print. While it came out I grabbed a folder and then put it in then I put it in my bag and cleaned up the kitchen before I decided to go to bed. I brushed my teeth and crawled into bed and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

So yeah that was chapter one!

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