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"Valerie." I said waking her up.

"Mmmm. I want food." She said causing me to laugh.

"You remember Susana right?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yeah she lives here!." She yawned as I picked her up and took her to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

"Well actually across the hall, but that's not the point. She's gonna take care of you today because I have work." I said and took out her braids. I brushed her hair and we made breakfast.
"Ok honey, be good. I'll be back at 11:30. Oh! Susana! Your paper! Make sure she eats. And don't open the door to strangers. And I left a twenty on the table in case you want to order a pizza." I said pulling my hair into a bun. I grabbed my keys and ran out the door, locking it on the way out. I waited for the elevator as the same guy from yesterday walked up next to me.

"Fancy seeing you again." He smiled and smiled back.

"So where are you off to looking so nice." He smiled.

"Work." I mumbled and stepped onto the elevator with him behind me. I pressed the lobby button and waited for it fully stop while me and the stranger had small talk on the way down.

I said bye and pulled my coat closer to me as it got colder. I unlocked my truck and started it up and turned the heat on full blast then pulled out of the parking into the main road and into the campus. I turned in the papers and then went the bar.
"Hi. What can I get for you?" I smiled turning to face my next customer.

"One shot of tequila." She smiled.

"Right on it." I smiled and turned to grab a shot glass then I set it on the counter and reached up and grabbed a bottle of tequila as a group of guys sat down and wolf whistled at me. I pulled my skirt down a little and handed the girl her drink. "There ya go sweetie." I smiled and turned to face the pervs.

"What can I get you." I asked.

"Six beers." One guy said. I pulled out the beers from under the counter and handed them their order before some people from the tables got uneasy. I pulled my apron around my tighter and grabbed a pen before going to take orders.
And one large plate of nachos." I smiled handing the guy with curly his order. "Oh and be careful the plate is-" I started.

"OW! Hot! The plate is hot." The guy across him said burning his hand.

"Yeah. That." I said and the guys laughed. "So can I get you guys anything else? A refill, some more food maybe?" I asked.

"Yeah can I get another beer?" One asked.

"Sure. I'll be right back with that." I smiled and put my note pad and pen in the pouch of my apron and going back to the bar grabbing a beer, popping off the top and putting a slice of lime on the mouth of the bottle. I set it on a tray and took it to the table.

"Here ya go." I said handing him his beer.

"Thanks! What's your name by the way?" He asked.

"Its Sabina. Ooo gotta group!" I said and ran over to the door and sat down a group of people handed th menus and let them order while I ran back to the counter.

"There ya go!" I said and they took their drink. "Closing time." I mumbled and switched the signs turned off the Neon open light across the counter and then I stood on a booth and reached over the top and hit the off button. Then I grabbed a tray and began cleaning tables as Susana and Valerie came in.

"BINA!!!! SANA WONT GET ME ICE CREAM!" She cried and ran over to me I picked her up and hugged her.

"Susana! Got ask Michael for a bowl of ice cream!" I said and sat Valerie on the counter as Susana came back with a bowl of ice cream and Valerie happily ate it.

"Hey miss!" The last group asked. I walked over and smiled.

"Anything I can get you guys?" I smiled.

"Actually we were wondering, why is your daughter in a bar?" One asked.

"Ok first off. She's my sister, I'm twenty five not forty five. And we're closed so it's cool if she's here." I answered and they all looked relieved.

"Ok and do we pay you?" Curly hair asked and I nodded. They handed me some money. "Keep the change."they smiled.

"Wait this is almost a fifty dollars tip!" I said handing him the money.

"Its cool." He said and walked out.

"What?!" I asked and stood there like and idiot. "Wait you! Here I can't except that! Give it back to him." I said handing the money to one of his friends. I ran back into the building and finished cleaning.
"Let's go home ladies!" I smiled grabbing my keys and pulling my jacket on as we walked to my truck.

So that was chapter two and I plan on making them all meet very soon so please put up with me.

The Taking (union J- Gang- JJ hamblett)Where stories live. Discover now