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"Come on Valerie." I said as I waited for her to sit down so I could put her shoes on.

"I am." She said and handed me her right boot. Then the other while I helped her into them. I zipped up her coat and pulled the hood up then I pulled my jacket on.

"Alright let's go find you a day care." I smiled.

"And can we get ice cream after?" She asked.

"Maybe." I smiled.
"Come on Valerie it's time to go." I said signing her out when I went to pick her up.

"Ok!" She said and we went into the truck.

"Honey. Just hear me out plea-"my 'dad' started only for me to slap him.

"No. I told you to stay away from us you fucking bastard." I said and buckled Valerie into her seat.

"Please. Two minutes." He begged. And when he looked at me I saw something no one has ever looked at me with, well other than Susana and My mom and step dad. Pride. He was proud of me.

"You have one minute." I said.

"I want you to join my gang, and when Valerie is old enough, she can join too. So what do you say? Wanna have some cool adventures with your old man?" He said and I stared at him in disbelief.

"YOUR FUCKING CRAZY! STAY AWAY FROM US YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT! PINCHIE BABOSO!" I yelled at him and he pulled a gun out which I kicked away then kicked him in his stomach sending him towards the ground. "If you ever try anything on me or Valerie. I'm the only one that leaves breathing. Got it?" I said. "I ASKED YOU A QUESTION!" I yelled slamming his body harder onto the ground as he shook his head yes. I got up and got into the truck and drove away.

"You want ice cream?" I asked Valerie. And she nodded her head yes.
"Hi. What can I get for you?" She smiled turning to face her next customer. That's her. She's the one.

"Guys, that's her. The one." I said pointing towards the bartender.

"One shot of tequila." the customer smiled.

"Right on it." She smiled and turned to grab a shot glass then set it on the counter and reached up and grabbed a bottle of tequila as a group of guys sat down and wolf whistled at her of course I started planning their murder. She pulled her skirt down a little and handed the girl her drink. Good girl. "There ya go sweetie." She smiled and turned to face the perverts from gang 6 with a look of pure disgust.

"What can I get you." She asked.

"Six beers." One guy said. She pulled out the beers from under the counter and handed them their order before some people from the tables got uneasy. She pulled her apron around her tighter and grabbed a pen before going to take orders.
"And one large plate of nachos." She smiled handing George his order. "Oh and be careful the plate is-" she started.

"OW! Hot! The plate is hot." Jaymi said trying to grab one but ended up burning his hand.

"Yeah. That." She said and we laughed. "So can I get you guys anything else? A refill, some more food maybe?" She asked with that beautiful smile.

"Yeah can I get another beer?" Josh asked.

"Sure. I'll be right back with that." She smiled and put her note pad and pen in the pouch of her apron and going back to the bar grabbing a beer.

"Are you sure that's her?" George asked and I nodded.

"She's hot." Jaymi said. And I hit him upside the head. "What it's not like I'm straight so who cares. (And I don't mean this to be offensive, my aunt is lesbian and one of my best friends is bisexual, and I love both of them.)

The Taking (union J- Gang- JJ hamblett)Where stories live. Discover now