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"That's the last box!" I cried in joy and me, Susi and Valerie did our happy dance.

"Do I still get my room?" Valerie asked and I nodded and I took up my mom's old room, and Susi took up my old room.

"Bina?" Valerie asked.

"Yeah bubba?" I said turning around as I placed my mom's dress down.

"Someone is here to see you." She said and skipped down the hall to show off a chocolate bar to susi. I smiled and went downstairs.

"Hi. Um we're JJ, Jaymi, Josh and I'm George. We kinda need to talk to you." George said.

"Oka- wait you guys are the group from the bar!" I said realized just who they were.

"Um yeah. We need to talk..." Josh said. I gave them a weird look and sat down.

"Ok...." I said as they stared at each other.

"We want you to join our gang." Jaymi I think just said.

"Oohhh, your with my dad! Well let me tell you something. The only reason I excepted this house from my mom, is to get away from him. You guys don't know how much it hurts, you guys don't have keep convincing your two year old sister her mom isn't dead. I already have enough to deal with right now, I don't need to put up with THAT ASSHOLES BULLSHIT! GET OUT!" I grabbing everyone by their ears and throwing them out.

Then George came back in. "WHAT NOW!" I yelled.

"You need to join we're not with your dad's shitty gang. They are gang 6 and were gang J. We will look after, you, your friend and your sister." He said and I slammed him into a wall.

"I'm not joining, Susi and Valerie are not going to get involved with this shit, hell I'm not telling Valerie. You are gonna get your fucking ass out of here or I'm the only one that walks away." I said and pushed him out then slammed the door...hard.

"Ladies, all of us are going to practice today get ready!" I yelled into the house.

"But I don't want too!" They whined.

"Now!" I said angrily and they took off running while I went to do the same. Did I forget to mention I'm a cheer coach? No..well I am. I jogged upstairs and began getting ready. I put on my PINK brand yoga shorts with a blue waist band, I pulled on a pair of sweatpants over and I pulled off my regular bra and grabbed a sports bra that had a zipper at the front to put it on, I slipped a blue tank top over my head put on my necklace, pulled my hair up in a ponytail and pulled a blue 'bandana' headband on. I put my socks and grey uggs on then slipped on a sweater, I grabbed my cheer shoes and put some lip balm on and placed them in the pocket of my sweats then went downstairs.

I grabbed my keys and waited for the girls. They finally came and when I opened the door, the guys were still there.

"Go away you idiots!" I yelled at them. I grabbed Valerie's hand and I grabbed Susi's wrist.

"Stop! Just hear us out!" JJ said desperately.

"Gang J wants you to join don't they." Susi mumbled.

"How? I haven't even told you yet!" I said looking at her.

"My dad's in gang 8. I understand how it works...." She said shyly.

"Hi." George said looking at Susi. She looked at him smiled and glanced at me.

"Let them." She said.

"No....well a little. Please.... For me?" She said begging me. The eyes. No don't look at the eyes. Frack too late.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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