Raven x Piano Method

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There's a famous shifttoker which we all know about (hopefully)

Her name is Kourt and the very first method she shifted with is the Raven x Piano method so I decided to try this method for 1 week.

2/26 night --> I fell asleep while counting I believe. Throughout the night though, I woke up multiple times. For the next attempt: try to do it a little bit earlier than sleep time.

2/27 night --> Midway, I fell asleep. I did get a little further than the night before. For the next attempt: try to play subliminal while doing the method and try to do more visualization.

2/28 night --> I attempted a little bit later than when I usually go to sleep. This time, I played subliminal and I was able to actually make it 3/4 way through the method. I fell asleep but didn't wake up at my dr. For the next attempt: Set the intention and believe, believe in affirmations, use the 5 senses, and really use emotions.

3/1 day --> This is my break day. I listened to subliminals throughout the day that is related to my dr. I did self-care and studied for my math quiz that I have the next day. I ended up really tired, but still attempted to shift (I realized mid-method that I wasn't supposed to but didn't care enough and just continued), and then I fell asleep. Didn't shift though.

3/2 night --> I listened to tons of subliminals throughout the day and did some self-care. Today wasn't super stressful so I'm not that worried or anything. I'm just tired and excited to shift! I put a subliminal on and midway while I was attempting, I could feel my head be super lightweight and it felt like it was moving on its own sort of to the opposite side I was laying my head in. I was laying on my back and my face was facing sort of the left side, but at that moment it felt like it was moving on its own to the right side. I have no idea what that meant and if it meant I was shifting. I kind of moved it on my own at the end and the "symptom" just stopped.

3/3 night --> I thought about my dr quite a bit but didn't listen to any subliminals at all throughout the day. At night, I didn't really feel like shifting so I didn't really put any effort into my attempt. I kind of just set the intention and fell asleep.

3/4 night --> Today is the last night I'm trying this method! I'm honestly kind of sad because this method isn't that bad, but I guess its not the right one for me since I still haven't shifted. So, I fell asleep really quick and I was getting distracted pretty easily. My body got numb pretty quick I'd say, but nothing else happened. I also didn't listen to any subliminals at all.

Method Review:
Overall, this method is definitely not that bad. If you like pretty lengthy and sort of simple methods, then you should definitely try this one! I got tons of symptoms but I didn't actually shift. I didn't really see any change with subliminals so I have no idea what to think and if they actually help or not. Also, though this could be used as an awake or sleep method I didn't just automatically wake up in my dr like regular so...I don't know 🤷‍♀️



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