Chapter #2

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Luna's POV

15 hours later ....

I have never been happier. We finally made it. I walked straight inside my grandparents and gave them both kisses. The sad thing was, I was leaving for LA in literally 10 min. We talked and I took my uber straight to the airport and got on my flight.

By time I get to LA, it's night and I go straight for the garage and get into my BMW 5 series. I love my baby so much. Obviously my dad couldn't afford to buy me my baby but my mom has more than enough money. You would think after the divorce she would cut all ties with me too but she kept in touch with me and bought me things my dad couldn't.

She even bought me my condo in LA all cash cause she ballin like that

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She even bought me my condo in LA all cash cause she ballin like that. I quickly drive out and went straight for my condo. I barley even had loyal friends.

I got to my condo and raced upstairs. I just missed my bed so much. Maybe it's time for a quick nap.


I open my eyes and see that it's 3am. "Why does my dumbass even have an alarm on" I thought to myself. I go to my kitchen and see that there's no food.

"Well damn, now I gotta go buy some food for myself" I was to hungry to even change outta my clothes from earlier.

I decided to walk to McDonalds since it was literally 5 minutes away. I was humming to myself and by the time I got there, the doors were locked.

"you got to be kidding me" I mumbled. I started pulling the door harder but obviously it wouldn't open.

"UHH y'know it's closed riii. Only the drive through is open" someone said from behind me. I squinted at the car. "uhhuhh, yea I figured it out now buddy" I rolled my eyes and started walking back home.

"I can take you round in the car if you want" he spoke again. I was holding onto my pocket just incase I needed to bring my pepper spray out. NO FUCKING WAY. it was Takeoff from Migos.

"Okay, act cool Luna" I prepped myself. "Will you please?" I gave him my cute look that no one could resist. He nodded and gestured me to get into his car. His fucking lambo I tell you.

Once I sat and was comfortable I looked at him again. "So what's takeoff doing at McDonald's at like 3:30" I asked him. He looked at me. "I was hungry" I just nodded.

Somehow, we started talking about his childhood and all his issues he was facing right now and it somehow got to my music and career.

"Why don't you come to the studio later today, I'm going to record some stuff and maybe you could record to." I nodded. We ended up exchanging numbers and he dropped me off in front of my building.

"Alright I'll text you" he said and drove away.

Takeoff was a really good listener. But sometimes when he talked it was so dry.



Rocketship: Here's the addy, pull up

You sound so dry

Be there in 30

I looked at myself in the mirror and damn don't I look good. I just decided on wearing a black sleeveless bodysuit with black sweats. But you know always gotta take them gram pics. I didn't realize it'd been more than an hour and I sped to the studio. Obviously I grabbed some donuts cause who doesn't like donuts.

I gave Takeoff a call and he said he'd come pick me up in an a couple so what did I do? Decided to post on ig.

I gave Takeoff a call and he said he'd come pick me up in an a couple so what did I do? Decided to post on ig

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KINGKLAIR Hope everyone has a good day :)

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I look up and see Takeoff standing there and tapping on his watch. I just gave him a big grin and shoved the donuts to him. "you're welcome" and walked into the studio. We walk into one room in complete silence.

"THAT WAS TERRIBLE THE FUCK!" I heard someone scream and I look up and see Sza . I think I'm in heaven at this point. SZA walks out the booth and came to me.

"You're Luna right. I seen your instagram pictures and you're so hottt" she said and gave me a hug. I gave her a smile back and we instantly clicked.

Everyone was enjoying their donuts and in walked Quavo. Let me tell you I melted. He just looked so fine.

"Hi, I'm Luna" I smiled and he came in for a hug. "Huncho, Quavo" he introduced himself and sat where I was sitting.

"Luna it's your time now" I looked up at Takeoff. I nodded and walked into the booth. "WAIT!" I screamed. They all looked up. "I need to warm up so imma like kinda rap so don't judge." I pointed at all of them.

They all laughed and shook their head. I wrote a rap song so I ended up rapping it.


Once I was done, they laughed. I mean it was a joke and I shouldn't think much of it, but they kept laughing while I walked out. I pouted and just sat beside Quavo. He put his arm around me. "We jus playin ma, relaxxx" and I didn't look at him. I could feel myself blushing. "We going for a quick smoke" one of their boys said and all four of em walked out.

I ended up sitting in the chair and started my accapella.


"NO FUCKING WAY" I heard from behind me. I turned around and saw Quavo grinning. "That was so soothing ma, holy!" I just blushed and sat down on the couch and he followed.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked. "They left, Take wanted to go play the playstation and the other two went back to their kids so it's just us here." he said and opened his phone and started going through instagram.

The rest of the evening just consisted of us two getting to know each other and just talking.

He ended up dropping me home and told me he was gonna text me to hang out later.

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