when they start to realize they might have feelings for you

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-You were walking toward stone henge to take a look at the world wonder, you just arrived when you noticed a familiar face in the crowd, it was the boy you ran into the other day. You looked away trying not to be noticed by you, but he noticed you and started walking to you. You looked over to see him standing right next to you, out of reflex you punched him in the gut since he scared you from just showing up right next to you, he hunched over holding his gut in pain as you quickly tried to catch him, after a little while later of you and Jackson talking you realized you had been talking with him for about 2 hours. You apologized and said you had to go. While you walked away you didn't notice his eyes lingering on you for longer than they should have, and he caught himself staring at you but then looked away embarrassed but also having some butterflies in his stomach form talking to you. Knowing it was time to go he went back to the house and sat down and thought about you for the rest of the day, he even fell asleep thinking of you he didn't know what was wrong with him, but you were all he could think of.


-Ever since your loved one died you came to visit the grave everyday around the same time and now Alma would always wait for you so you and her could talk for a while. One day while you were arriving to plant flowers for the lost loved one's grave you noticed Alma was already there looking at the grave. You sat down next to her to see what she was looking at; you didn't see anything except the grave Alma seemed to be in a trance you lightly tapped her shoulder, and she shook herself awake out of the trance.  She looked at you and smiled "Hey sorry i didn't see you" She looked very nervous. You looked at her and shook your head "it's okay oh before i forget to ask what you were looking at?" She looked down for a minute then said, " I was praying for your loved one." She sounded very nervous now, but you shook it off then said, "aww that's so sweet of you thank you." She looked away but even then, you could see the slight blush on her face from the angle you were at. You looked at the time and saw it was time for you to head home so you said goodbye and walked home. Alma just sat at your lost loved ones grave and starred at you as you walked away. She couldn't help but have this weird feeling in her stomach that she couldn't really identify. She went inside and fell asleep trying to find out what this feeling was that she got when you come to the graveyard or even just passed by her at school, she tried to convince herself it was happiness that someone actually wanted to hang with her, but something in the back of her mind told her it was something more something.

Lieutenant Raft

-You had been there for a week; over that time, you noticed that lieutenant raft has been very distant when you were around. You decided to ask Dr.Cawley about it, you saw lieutenant raft while you were walking to her office you decided to try and talk to him, "Hey lieutenant raft, how are you doing?", he looked over at you and then cleared his throat. "I'm fine Dr. Y/n." He quickly turned away and basically ran the other direction away from you. Now that you think about it, he seemed nervous, you turned to walk to Dr. Cawley's office to see what was up with the lieutenant. You knocked on her door, "Come in!" you heard a voice say from the inside of the room. You walked in and saw Dr. Cawley sitting at her desk studying an image, "Hey Sarah, can I ask you something." "Yeah of course! What's up?" You paused a minute before you started telling her about how lieutenant Raft has been acting towards you. "Hmm that's kind of weird he's never nervous about anything." You could tell she's trying to piece some stuff together. "Well, I don't know what's going on but how about I try to ask him why he's acting like that to you." You sighed "Thank you Sarah you're a life saver." "Hey, don't go thanking me yet." You say your goodbyes and head back to your room. Sarah stands up to go find the lieutenant. Once she finds him, she starts walking up to him. "Hey Raft, I have a question for you, is there something going on between you and Dr. Y/n?" She noticed as soon as she said that he turned bright red and turned away to hide his face. Once he cooled down, he turned back around "I don't know what you mean Dr. Cawley, there is nothing going on with us." he started to turn around when Sarah stopped him. "So, nothing's going on huh then why did you get so flustered when I asked the question, hmm?" Sarah had a smirk on her face as she said this. Raft turned around quickly and gave her a death glare. He slowly walked up to her and said, " don't you dare tell them about any of this conversation do you understand Dr. Cawley." He tried to sound as intimidating as he could. Sarah just chuckled and said, " Okay don't worry I won't lover boy." she then started laughing on her way to her room.

Sargent Tillman

-After about 1 month of Tillman being your driver and bodyguard, you both were very close and knew almost everything about each other. One day you noticed while he was driving you to stone henge, he was silent and looked nervous.  He was constantly fiddling with all the things he could find. You decided to try and talk to him, "Hey what's wrong dude?" you tried to sound confident but worry laced every one of your words. He sighed then said, "Well i might be developing a very little crush on someone and i don't know how to tell them without making a fool of myself." You were a little shocked you had liked Sargent Tillman ever since you saw him, but you knew that you should support him no matter what. "Mm I'm no expert but try to get to know them as much as possible then try to ask them on a date and go from there." He looked at you then said, "thanks for the advice." You both were silent from that point on so the tension in the car was sky rocketing. When you arrived at stone henge you walked out of the car then saw Tillman watching your every move. He quickly looked away the moment he saw that you were looking at him. While on the way home all he could think about was how to ask you out on a date.

Skullface/ Ramid

-You were walking into the room where the creature was being held. As soon as you walked in you felt a pair of eyes staring you down. You didn't pay attention thinking it was one of your co-workers not realizing a certain monster was watching your every move while you were talking with another scientist you didn't know that the monster was watching you wondering what this feeling was, he got in his gut every time you even looked in his direction. When you looked at him even for a split moment, he felt weak in the knees, and he hated this feeling it made him feel powerless. As soon as you walked up to the container, he was locked in he stared directly at you and constantly looked over your body no matter what he did he couldn't take his eyes off you. Soon enough he had to pry his eyes off of you and he stormed over to the other end of the capsule where he was being held. He tried to think of what was happening to him and why his brain was playing tricks on him about you. It's driving him crazy; he can't get you out of his head. He suddenly realized that this feeling was almost like an interest, that made him think even harder the one question that replayed in his mind wasn't how he was going to escape this place it was, did he have an interest in you if so, why?  That didn't matter anymore the moment he saw you start leaving all of the sudden he felt the need to hold you in his arms and never let you even leave his line of sight and never let anyone except him touch you ever again. He quickly stopped himself and tried to think of how he could get out of here, but his mind only went back to thinking of you.

Dr. Sarah Cawley

-You were going to check on your patient Sarah Cawley, as soon as you walked in you saw Sarah sitting on the bed facing the door. The moment you stepped into the room her face immediately lite up. She quickly got up and walked over to you and greeted you with a smile. " Hello Dr. Y/n." You looked at her with a bright smile. "Hello Sarah." You said to her. She immediately got flustered and turned around with a bright pink hue on her cheeks. She started to walk back to her bed. You gave her the medicine and some water and watched her take the medication. She looked at you with a bright smile basically asking if she did a good job like a little girl with her parents. You looked at her with a proud gleam in your eyes and she got very excited and jumped up to give you a bear hug. You were shocked to say the least but then after a minute you gave her a hug back. Soon it was time for you to go see your other patients, so you said your goodbyes and left the room making sure you locked it after you left. Dr. Sarah had a smile on her face as she watched you leave the room but as soon as you left that smile faded. She immediately wanted you back in her arms she already missed how warm and how perfectly you fit in her arms. She blushed slightly at the thought of you in her arms. She wanted you back in her arms so she could protect you from this cruel world in her mind only she was the only one who could protect you from this world. That night all she could think about was you in her arms. She fell asleep to the thought you in her arms again soon.

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