how the date goes + becoming official

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-Jackson picked you up at your house and took you to a fast-food place then after you ate, he took you to an open field where there were flowers, but they were hardly visible since it was dark out. When he laid down, he motioned for you to sit next to him. You did and he started pointing out constellations to you while you watched him and giggled, he looked at you when you giggled, and he seemed to be looking at your lips, but you brushed it up and named a few constellations yourself before he snapped out of whatever trance he was in before.

 After you and him just studied the stars, you saw him looking at you, so you looked back at him. After staring at each other for a few minutes, you saw him look at your lips again and then he leaned in a kissed you. You were shocked but after a few seconds you kissed him back, he slowly put his hands around your waist, and you put your arms around his neck. After a few seconds you both released each other to breathe. After a minute you both looked each other in the eyes and Jackson started to ask. " Will you be my partner Y/n?" You looked at him and said, " Yes of course!" Jackson smiled and kissed you once more then you both checked the time and saw it was time for you to head home. He took you home and wished you goodnight. The kiss was on both of your minds all night long. 


-You both had just arrived at the movies Alma picked the movie it was a romance movie and you had to admit you weren't much of a romance movie fan you preferred horror or even comedy, but you didn't complain because you didn't want to hurt Alma's feelings. When you walked in you found your seats then the movie started playing and after about 2 hours the movie was finally over, you had to say that it actually wasn't that bad. You and Alma started to walk back to your house because she insisted, she walked you home.

 As soon as you were in front of your house Alma stopped you and grabbed your hand, she pulled you toward her and gave you a kiss. You were shocked but after a few seconds you kissed her back. After about a minute you both pulled away and Alma was a bright pink and looked down at her feet as she mumbled something. You asked her to speak up since you couldn't hear her. She took a deep breath and asked, "Y/n will you please be my partner?" She looked very nervous you said yes, and she kissed you again this time with more confidence than before. You waved her goodnight and walked inside as soon as you were out of sight, she immediately celebrated silently on her way back to her house.

Lieutenant Raft

- You had just finished getting ready for the date with Raft, you had just walked outside of your door when you were greeted with a hand around your waist from behind you, the hand that grabbed your waist turned you around and dipped you slightly. You were stunned for a minute then you looked up to see Raft smiling down at you, you blush slightly and give a shy smile back. He then started to stand back up and take you with him as he did that, he pulled you closer to his body. He smiled at you then started to say, "Well then let's go ma belle Cherie."  You blushed at the nickname and agreed. He took you to a pretty fancy restaurant where the lighting was very dim that gave it a sexual vibe to it. He pulled you seat out for you the pushed it back in for you.  You looked at him for a quick moment before he winked at you, and you looked away as a blush spread across your face.  The waiter came up and you both ordered she then left to go get the food. " So, Dr. Y/n, how has your work been treating you." He had a seductive tone as he said that.  " W-well it's been work I suppose nothing to much out of the ordinary." You stuttered, he smirked at your stuttering. He kept leaning closer to your face as you both asked questions about each other. While his face was only about 4 inches away from your face the waiter came back with your food and quickly apologized and sped off in embarrassment. You were embarrassed to say the least bit after a minute of breathing to calm down a little you started to eat. You felt like someone was watching you, so you looked up to see Raft staring at you, when he looked down immediately with a pick dust to his cheeks. After you both ate and paid he grabbed your hand and walked you to the door of his car and opened it for you before making his way to his door, but before he started the car to drive, he gave you a quick glance then started the car. The car drive was quite but not awkward it was more comfortable.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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