how they ask you on a date

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-Ever since you met him in the close, he can't get you off his mind you're all he can think about all the time, he finally decided to ask you out. You were on your way to do some errands. On your way to a shop, you spot Jackson in the crowd. You turn the other way, so you won't run into him it's not like you don't like him it's just that you always get so nervous around him and make a fool of yourself in front of him. You decide it's better to stay away to not embarrass yourself. while you're trying to get around him, he spots you and stops you. You mentally curse yourself for not just waiting but then give him a very forced smile that you think looks pretty genuine. "Hey Y/n, uhm i was wondering if you wanted to come over and hang out and maybe get something to eat tonight?" You pause no one has never asked you out. So, someone as hot as him asking you out was a very big achievement in your case. You quickly reply, "yeah sure that sounds great what time tonight?" You have never seen him smile as big as he just did. "I'll pick you up at 8:00, sound good?"  You nod and say you'll see him at 8 when you start walking away you look behind you to see him pumping his fist in the air repeatadly. He saw you looking at him and quickly stopped and blushed and turned around to go back to his house basically at a sprint. You giggle while watching him then you turned around to continue your errand running feeling very happy on your way around town thinking of the night ahead of you.


-Everyday you still went to the cemetery but now it wasn't just for your loved one now, you honestly enjoyed Alma and coffins company. As you walked to the cemetery you saw Alma and coffin playing you decided to watch them and see how long it took for them to notice you. As you watched them you noticed Alma seemed tense like something was on her mind you waited for about another 15 mins watching them until coffin picked up your scent and went running to you with Alma following close behind him. When Alma spotted you see froze and seemed to look down, so you started to walk towards her. She saw you walking towards her and looked back down at the ground. When you made your way over to her side you asked, "What's wrong is something bothering you, you know you can tell me anything." You said with a worried smile on your face. "Well, uhm..." She mumbled something you couldn't hear. "Uhm Alma what was that I couldn't hear you?" You asked getting a little bit closer to her.  She took a deep breath and spoke. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me and hang out on Saturday this week, if you don't that's fine I won't pressur-" "Alma I'll go to the movies with you that sounds wonderful." She stood there in shock at what you just said, she was so excited no one ever said yes to go out with her before. Before you could even process, she turned a gave you a big hug with the widest grin on her face before she quickly turned bright red and apologized for the sudden hug, but you calmly responded saying it was ok. You checked the time and saw it was time for you to go home so you said your goodbyes and walked away. Alma watched as you walked away with a smile at the fact you accepted her invitation to the movies with her. On her way home all she could so was fantasize everything about this date. You could say her step had extra pep in it on her way to the house.

lieutenant Raft

-You were waiting for Sarah outside when you heard the door open. You turned around thinking you would see Sarah, but instead you saw lieutenant Raft, he looked very nervous and had a pink hue on his face when he saw you his eyes widened. "Hello Dr. Y/n, I have a question for you." You saw he took a deep breath before looking back at you. "I was wondering if you wanted to go have dinner with me tomorrow night, my treat?" You were shocked. "Yeah, I will where and when?" He seemed shocked you actually accepted and said he'd pick you up around 7. Sarah came outside as soon as he said that you said your goodbyes and left with Sarah. Raft was watching you walk away the entire time with a big smile on his face.

Sargent Tillman  

-You needed to go to the library to get a book about the creature or anything on what it was you were looking for. You asked Tillman to take you and he agreed. While he was driving, he was very silent he normally was very talkative. You decided to break the awkward tension and ask if he has asked the lucky girl out yet. He replied with "I haven't asked her out yet, but I will today." You were still in a little pain since you liked Tillman since you saw him. You said he should and wished him the best of luck on her response, the library came into view and for once you were excited to leave the car but as you were about to leave the car you felt a hand grab your arm and stop you. You turned to see Sargent Tillman grabbing your arm, he sighed and said, "Well I said I would ask them out today so, Dr. Y/n would you like to go to dinner with me tonight at 8?"  You were shocked that you were the person he liked but you immediately said yes and excused yourself from the car and rushed toward the library doors. He was glad you accepted and couldn't stop thinking about how perfect the nights going to be with you.

Skull Face 

-You were tired today due to the lack of sleep you got from all your animals. On your way there you heard from one of the co-workers that Skull Face was acting up and trying to get out of his cage, you walked in and saw that they were right everyone was at the edge of the rooms while Skull Face was constantly smashing himself into the walls of the cell. As soon as he saw the doors open and he saw you walk in he calmed down only a little, but he just stared at you and when you walked around his cell, he followed you and never took his eyes off you. You noticed this and asked one of your co-workers how long he has been doing this. They said ever since you left, and you were deep in thought, so you didn't notice the creature studying your every movement and he was watching to make sure no one comes to close to you or he'd freak out on them. He knew you were special, and he didn't know why you were, but you just were to him, so he had to do everything to protect you at all costs. You noticed how he freaked out when you left so you decided to stay in that room outside of his cage for now and try to see if he'll stop freaking out for now. That night he was never sleeping all he would do is watch you and never let you leave his line of sight.

Dr. Sarah Cawley

-You were on your way to the room as soon as you heard a noise coming from the room you quickly opened the door, you saw Dr. Cawley standing at the door with her coat on and it looked like she was ready to leave. You completely forgot that she got discharged. When you said have a good day and tried to leave, she grabbed your hand and pulled you into a hug. You were shocked but after a little bit you gave her a hug back. She whispered in your ear, "I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me tonight?" You looked at her and shook your head yes. She looked at you and smiled then hugged you even tighter, she whispered in your ear "Then I'll see you at 9 tonight." She let you go and winked at you before she left the room leaving you in a flustered state. 

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