Part 16- undercover gone wrong/ missing.

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"Uncle Toni," I smiled, "thank goodness your here. We need to talk."

Antonio's P.O.V:
"What's up Ali?" I ask as she sounds nervous.
She grabs out her phone and pulls up a recording. She shows it to me. It shows her on call with her girlfriend, Lillian. Then it shows something completely horrifying. Lillian gets a gun pointed at her head and the man says he wants Aaliyah. I put the phone down.
"Can you come with me to the district?" I ask
She looks at her mom, "can I?"
She nods.
"See ya Sylvie." I wave
She waves back and I take Aaliyah to the district. We walk up the stairs and I see Platt standing at the desk.
"Hey sarge!" Aaliyah waves
"Hey A!" She smiles.
I take her up to the bullpen and Voight comes out.
"Hey Ali," he waves.
"Grandpa Hank." She wheels over and hugs him.
She begins to cry.

Voight's P.O.V:
I see Aaliyah come upstairs with Antonio so I head out of my office.
"Hey Ali," I wave
"Grandpa hank!" She wheel over and hugs me.
I hear her cry so I bend down to her level."
"What's wrong Ali?" I ask
"Someone took Lillian!" She cries.
I remember that Lillian is her girlfriend. I hug her tightly.
"We'll find who did this." I tell her.
"He wants to trade her for me at 2pm at the abandoned warehouse on west 22nd." She cries into my arms.
I take her into my office and lay her down. She falls asleep. I walk out.
"What do we do?" Antonio asks
"Send her undercover and wire her up." I explain, "it's the only option. We'll be right outside if anything goes wrong."
Antonio nods. I go back to my office and sit at my desk. At 1:30pm I wake up Aaliyah.
"Ali," I shake her shoulder gently, "wake up for me sweetie."
She opens her eyes and sits up.
"We figured out how to get Lil back." I tell her.
She immediately burst awake, "how?"
"We're gonna send you undercover. Me and uncle Toni will be right outside."
She nods, I take her down to the roll up and get her wired up. We give her a necklace with a camera and microphone. We take her to the address. She wheels in at 2pm on the dot.

Aaliyah's P.O.V:
I wheel into the warehouse and look around, I open a door and see Lillian tied to a chair with a gun at her head.
"Lillian!" I cry
"You came!" She cried
I nod. The man comes over. He grabs my arm. He has a wand and waves it over me. It beeps on my necklace and he rips it off. He throws it on the floor and stomps on it. He puts the gun to my head and drags me out the back into a car. I am pushed into the car.

Antonio's P.O.V:
I see the camera get pulled off by a man then we lose feed. We jump out of the van and run inside.
"Chicago PD." I yell out. I ran into the last room and see Lillian tied up. Voight hears a door slam so he runs after it. I untie Lillian and ask for an ambulance.
"2051 Frank," I put in my code name, "roll an ambo to 156 west 22nd."
"Copy that 2051 Frank." A voice comes back through, "ambulance has been dispatched."
Antonio takes Lillian out the front.  The ambulance arrived. It was 61. Violet and Gabby jump out.
"Toni, what happened?" Gabby asks
"Hey sis, Lillian was kidnapped and we sent Aaliyah undercover." I began.
"You sent my niece and goddaughter undercover." She gets angry, "where is she?"
"She was taken." I explain.
"Antonio!" Gabby yells.
"Gabs," Violet puts a hand on her friends shoulder, "let's take care of Lillian."
Gabby nods and they work on Lillian. They put her in the ambulance and race to the hospital. She goes inside and I go up to Brett's room.
"Toni, where A?" She asks me.
"We sent her undercover to get Lillian back but it went south. She was taken." I explain
"You mean. My daughter. My little girl. My everything. My world. is missing." Brett got angry
"You better find her."
"I will." I left quickly.
I head to my car and I drive to the district. Before I go inside, I cry. I feel bad that I let her get taken. After 5 minutes I wipe my eyes and head inside. I buzz up and we work on finding Aaliyah. After 10 hours of non-stop working. We find a lead. We chase it and it leads us to an abandoned hotel. We have to spread out.

Aaliyah's P.O.V:
I am dragged out of the car at an abandoned hotel. I'm dragged into a room and I leave my shoe at the door. Hoping someone will find it. He drags me onto a mattress and ties me up. He pulls my pants down and I feel pain. He gets up and leaves me with blood leaking. He beats me up and everything goes black. I wake up and it is dark outside. It's probably early in the morning. She hears voices.
"Chicago Police." I hear uncle Toni's voice.
I scream, "help!"
I hear footsteps running. The door opens and Toni runs in. Everything goes black again.

Antonio's P.O.V:
I burst in the door to a floor, "Chicago Police."
I hear Aaliyah's Scream, "Help!"
Me and Voight run to the door. We open it and I see Ali lying there. I rush to her side. Voight goes outside and calls for an ambulance. I see Aaliyah close her eyes and slip into unconsciousness. I untie her and pull her pants up. Voight runs in with. Violet and Gabby.
"Ali?" Gabby jumps down beside her goddaughter, "Antonio lift her onto the stretcher."
I lift Ali onto the stretcher and she is rushed to the hospital. I go up to Brett's room. I see her sitting awake in her bed.
"Syl," I knock on her door.
She looks up, "what do you want Antonio?"
She was clearly still mad at me.
"We have Ali, she's being treated right now. She was raped and abused." I explain.
Brett gets into a wheelchair, "take me."
I take her down to Aaliyah's room. She goes inside. She sits in a Chair and holds her daughter's hand.
I lean on the doorway and cry.

A/N: I am total writer's block. Comment suggestions please. :) I hope you have enjoyed my story so far. I've been really busy with school and my midterms. Thanks for reading my story. I'm currently working on my new book: Detective Casey, Make sure to check it out.

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