merry new year from the ghostbusters and dana

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December 31st, 1984/January 1st, 1985

Dana had called Silvia to tell her that she was throwing a small New Year's Party at her new apartment. She told Silvia that everyone was invited, which made Silvia even more excited.

But the only thing was that Egon hated parties. Silvia didn't know why, but she figured it was another traumatic incident that turned him into a hermit before he met her.

"Egon, I brought you your favoriteeee~" Silvia smiled. "Chocolate chip cookies and hot cocoa. Cookies are fresh out of the oven, too."

"Silvia, you only bring me fresh cookies and cocoa to tell me if something is unseemly. What happened?" Egon said. Damn you and your big brain.

"Dana's hosting a party at her new apartment for New Year's tonight-" Silvia was cut off mid-sentence.


"Oh, c'mon! We know Dana, she's our friend!" Silvia pleaded.

"No, you and Peter know Dana. I don't. I just helped destroy some evil entities planning on using her for Gozers royal uprising." Egon stated.

"You helped save her. Shouldn't that be enough?" Silvia asked.

"We don't know each other that well," Egon replied.

"You could say the same for Winston and Ray, but they get along with Dana just fine," Silvia argued. "You always act like it's the end of you if you meet someone new."

"It could be. I don't know if any rabies-infested rodents are living in that apartment. You wouldn't want me to die of an un-cured bite from rabies infested animal, would you?" Egon asked sarcastically, giving her the puppy dog eyes look.

"You're lucky you're handsome, otherwise I would've slapped you upside your head for that." Silvia rolled her eyes as she planted a kiss on his nose.

"So I'm handsome now? What happened to, what was that word, 'sexy'?" Egon smirked at her.

"Shut up!" Silvia rolled her eyes once more, her face heating up to a tomato red. She left the lab embarrassed, but she also left to find Ray, hoping he'd convince him.

"Ray, please help convince your best friend to go to Dana's New Year's party." Silvia sighed, defeated.

"Why didn't he listen to you? That usually works." Ray said.

"He sort of blackmailed me with 'that word' I called him during my sleep talk." Silvia blushed

"He's still making fun of you for calling him sexy while sleep-talking? You're never gonna hear the end of that." Ray laughed to himself. "I'll do my best."

"Thank you, Ray." Silvia sighed with a smile on her face.

"What's going on?" Winston asked as he emerged from... somewhere.

"Remember that New Year's party I told you about? The one Dana's hosting?" Silvia said.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Egon is reluctant about going and he sorta kinda blackmailed me into leaving his lab so I wouldn't talk about it more." Silvia sighed.

"He blackmailed you with the time you called him sexy in your sleep, huh?" Winston said.

"I could've been blackmailed with something else, y'know!" Silvia said.

"What else could you be blackmailed with?"



"Anyway, I got Ray to talk to him to try and convince him," Silvia said.

Silvia + Egon: A Short-Story SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now