first "official"date

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possible tw (?) mentions of 🤢, drinking

November 29, 1984

a month after the Gozer incident

After almost every city, county, and state agency of New York had sued the Ghostbusters for saving them, there hadn't been much time for Silvia and Egon to go on their first "official" date. And frankly, there was no money left because they had paid everyone who sued them. And it sucked ass.

Silvia had decided to apply for a job at a local grocery store so she could pay bills, get herself food, and save enough money to go on a date with Egon.

And she knew exactly where to take him for their first date. The only problem she stumbled upon was if he would like it or not.

Despite her reservations, Silvia felt confident about things. Just about a month ago she and Egon had gotten together, and Silvia honestly couldn't be happier. She just wished they could spend more time together.

"You're unusually quiet today, Silv," Egon stated as he fixed a trap.

"No gossip to report. A lot of my coworker friends were not there today, so it was just me and this old lady that works there." Silvia sighed.

"I don't have anything to 'gossip' about either. I'm just fixing up some of our supplies. I'm still cleaning out marshmallows from those proton packs." Egon smiled to himself. They sat in awkward silence until Silvia decided to speak up.

"How many busts are scheduled for this Friday?" Silvia asked.

"Only one, and from the way it was described, it sounds like it's only a two-person job. Why?" Egon asked, still fixated on fiddling with the trap.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date tomorrow. Ray and Winston can go take care of the ghostie and we can go on our first 'official' date," Silvia smiled at him.

"Why'd you say 'official' like that?" Egon asked.

"Because we've been so busy being sued that we haven't had a chance to go out together," Silvia replied.

"A date sounds very... fun," Egon said, looking up from the trap to look at his new girlfriend.

"Good," Silvia kissed him on the lips before leaving his lab. She saw as his face changed from its normal shade to a light red. He still hadn't gotten used to her kissing him like that.


Saturday, November 30th

Egon nervously walked up the stairs to Silvia's apartment, he felt as if his knees were about to give out. He knocked on the door, anxiously waiting for a response.

"Hi Egon," Silvia smiled once she opened the door. "Come inside, I'm almost done getting ready. Please, sit."

"Thank you," Egon smiled at her. Silvia smiled back and shook her head. "What?"

"You're acting like a nervous middle schooler going on their first date," Silvia said.

"I... guess you could say that considering the fact this is my first real date," Egon stated. Silvia stopped in her tracks.

"You've never been on a real date before?" Silvia asked.




"Wow. I guess there's a first time for everything." Silvia replied.

"I do remember back at Columbia, Peter set me up on a couple of blind dates," Egon added. "Those don't count, though."

Silvia + Egon: A Short-Story SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now