🤍 Xiao x Reader

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"Eating Together"

4:30 P.M.

"Adeptus Xiao seems to be pretty troubled these days. I know he always keeps a stern face, but he's been acting a little different from the usual. He also asks frequently if you have returned or not. If I were to judge, he probably has something to say to you. If you're free, could you please check up on him? I know both of you are close and he seems to take an interest in you."
Verr Goldett mentioned.

You have been gone for quite a while for your own personal reasons. Travelling from Liyue to Inazuma is not an easy feat, a lot of paperwork and tasks were needed to be done for the travel to become successful, considering that the nation has strict rules under the commands of the Electro Archon, the Raiden Shogun.

You even considered yourself lucky after all the work you've done.

But now that you're back, you can finally greet your friends back in Liyue.
And that starts with your dear adeptus friend, the Conqueror of Demons, Xiao.

"..Will do. Thank you for keeping an eye on him, Verr Goldett. I'll be sure to visit him. But before that, I should go get him his favourite food."
You thanked the girl behind the counter, to which she returned her appreciation with a smile.
"I just did what you told me, Y/n. You've helped around the nation in its tough times, afterall. Now go, let's not keep him waiting. You can get help from our chef downstairs, I'm sure he'll be glad to help you."


Night time arrived. And Finally, It was time.

"Xiao? Are you there?"
You called out for your friend, turning your head from left to right, expecting for the boy to appear at any time.

The cold breeze flew east for a moment, and there he was, standing beside you, who called his name.
"You're back."
He sternly said. But somewhere in his eyes, there was an emotion that couldn't be properly expressed.

"Good evening Xiao, Missed me?"
You teased with a quiet chuckle,
"I brought you your favourite food, the chef helped me make it. I hope ya like it just the way you used to before."
You handed the treat to the adeptus with a smile.

"Same as ever, I see.. hm.."
It was quiet. Not even the soft chewing of almond tofu was heard. However, it was comfortable silence. The moon shined bright up in the sky, its light hitting the pair perfectly at the face but not enough to make them look away.

"Do you like it?"
You rested your head with your arm on the trail, giving a soft glance at the boy eating his treat given by yours, truly.

He kept chewing and and savoring the taste of the food, before looking at you and offered,
"Would you like to eat it together?"

You took a moment to process the request. From what you recall, he preferred eating by himself. But after a while, you accepted it.
You thought it showed yourself just how close you both are until now, even if separated to manage the personal business in Inazuma.

"Hold on to me."

You were confused to the sudden request, until he unexpectedly carried you, your whole body resting on his arms, not a sign of struggle from him about feeling your weight on him.
He jumped swiftly, putting her down after.

"You could've told me you wanted to sit by the roof before carrying me.." you muttered. Before he could apologize or whatnot, you assured him it was fine and invited him to sit beside you, patting the spot next to you.

"Open your mouth."
Your gaze which was focused on the moon's beauty was redirected to the boy, who pulled out a spoon of almond tofu and held it infront of your lips.

You weren't expecting to be spoon fed by him. Yeah, you indeed accepted the offer of eating together, but the image inside your head was quite a different image from what was happening now.

"What? Do you not like almond tofu?"

"No No! I was just.. not expecting this.."

"... What were you expecting?"

"I- uhm- nothing!-"

He let go of the spoon, putting it nack beside the dish plate,
"... Did I do something wrong? Sorry. I don't understand mortals all the time."

By this time, you regretted how you acted and spoke. It was a blessing to be spoon fed, you thought it was 'romantic and sweet', it just took her by surprise. Now, you're going to lose this opportunity and probably not experience it ever again.

You took a breathe and ate the almond tofu.
Xiao only stared at you as you chewed the food.
Thank the archons that it wasn't daytime, otherwise, the slight pink hue that appeared on his face would be noticed.

"I like almond tofu."

"...yeah, and I like you just how I like my food."

"You..you what?" You were taken aback by what the adeptus suddenly said. Were you hearing things? Are you being delusional right at this very moment?

It took a while for the boy to realize what he just said and quickly looked away, contemplating if he should run away, assuming that you would find him weird and distance yourself, severing the connection between you two.

He wouldn't want to lose someone he cares for, even if he doesn't make it obvious or show it all the time.

While he was having little panic thoughts in his mind, you took action and closed the distance in between, but stopped.

Lips almost touching with one inch inbetween.

'What if I'm taking it wrong'
You became indecisive with your own decisions.
'Me? Liked by an attractive looking adeptus who protects the lives of people everyday? I don't think so.'

Now it was Xiao's turn to make his move.

He closed the gap between the two of you and gave you a kiss.
A soft, passionate kiss.
Sitting by the roof, under the moonlight, The perfect night.

The heart of the adeptus opens up.
For the affection of a certain girl makes him realize,
Things he never knew he wished.
Things he never knew he wanted.
A will to protect.
A will to live.

Barbatos, the anemo archon must've been proud, for this anemo adeptus, who believed all he'd do his whole life was to watch over Liyue, will develop and find out about an emotion he'd never thought he'd have,

March 2 2023
2:56 PM

1100 words
Not ProofRead

hank you for reading🌹

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