Death starts here;proceed with caution

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Sepher was determined to find his sister.He was currently in his room with the letter in his hands and tears brimming his eyes.
Hey if your reading this i probably already left for the ball,dinners on the stove though so help yourselves,i should be back late tonight or early tomorrow,I'm safe and i'm being careful so don't worry.I love you so much and see you soon
His eyes switching between sentences with his hands tightly gripping the piece of paper till his mum came inside his room with mail
Mum:this is for you hunny i know your sad about Y/n not coming home but she will trust me one day
Sepher:thanks but don't get your hopes up its been a year mum i will find her and the person who did this though
Mum:Come on open the letter i wanna see what you got
His fingers trail along the sides whilst ripping them open and soon the letter is exposed

My friends, I am going on an extraordinary adventure, and I am in need of your help. And so are hundreds of others. This is not an invitation to a ball or a dinner party. It's an invitation to embark on a dangerous mission. It may sound impossible but there is a town trapped in the 1970s, and very soon everyone in it will be dead unless we do something about it. There is a dark seance that will take us back in time, but for it to work, you must choose a personality. reminiscent of that era, and dress like them. Remember, nothing from the modern world can come with you.

The people of everlock will know their role and their place, but you will be operating without knowledge or understanding of what's to come. This Friday the 13th, the doorway to Everlock will be open and we will only have that one night to complete our mission.
He was amazed."dangerous mission" piqued his interest.
Mum:its says 1970's and seance no way your going to-what was the place again
Mum:yes there is no way i already lost one child theres no way i'm loosing another
Sepher:but what if i come back what if i find her while i'm there
Mum:I'm sorry but you can't i know this trick all too well
Sepher:You don't want to have your daughter back!
Mum:i do but she will appear one day i know it!
Mum:i forbid you to go i don't want you to die and thats final
She slams the door of the room and Sepher locked his door.He soon slides down the wall and hugs his knees.His breathing quickens but his determination to find his sister overtakes these current emotions.He crawls over to his bed and takes both his phone and his sisters letters.The picture shows a clear image of the letter and he looks on the back of his current letter to find
The Bartender
And clothes to match.It was a classic white button up with black suspenders with a little black hat,and black and white striped pants with brown dress shoes.
Sepher:ok how does he know all my sizes thats my question?
He shrugs his shoulders after a second of pondering he just decided to wait til later to get dressed as it was only 10:00pm.He fell asleep with his thoughts to keep him company.
The boy shot up once he heard his Alarm go off.
Sepher:damn it forgot to shut off my alarm
His thick British accent paving the way through his morning groggy voice.His mum being still asleep makes it easier for him.He immediately stood up and went to his bathroom with his clothes and got in the shower,getting dressed right afterwards.He put his shortish long hair into a tiny ponytail in the back whilst clipping his hat to his belt with a safety pin.Once he was all ready he went on his phone and bought a plane ticket to California as to that was what the address his sisters friend Joey gave him.He also got some money both American and British for hotels and food and for bus fares to and back.He put a jacket over his spunky outfit and opened up the window.He almost forgot to text his mum but quickly realized that he's gonna make sure he's back before tomorrow night.
Sepher:sorry Mum but its for Y/n i need too
He jumped onto the ground and ran to the nearest bus station afraid that the alarm in the house would sound.Once he made it to the bus stop he waited and whilst he did he made sure his phone wasn't trackable even though he can't bring it with him on the mission.He's gonna try to bring his sisters letter with him to try and ask around.He was the only one at the bus stop besides this man with a backpack on,he was creepy.He soon boarded the bus,payed,and sat down on the two seater in the way back.The man soon got on and sat next to the boy
Man:so where you going tonight?
Sepher:thats for me to know and not you
Man:come on a pretty boy like you shouldn't be on a bus at close to 3 in the morning unless it bad
Sepher:i'm looking for my missing sister there satisfied!?
Man:where was she last seen?
Sepher:in the U.S going there now
Man:thats pretty far innit?
Sepher:yes but its what i have to do
Man:why don't you come with me for the night its right here
Sepher:i'm good Thanks
Man:come on its warm in my place
The man roughly grabs his wrist and tries dragging him but Sepher pulled back
Sepher:i said No i have family to get to now GO!
The man walked away while scoffing and Sepher went back to his phone posting on every social media that he can that he won't have his phone for a couple of days and to not even bother sending him anything because the person wouldn't get a reply.The bus stopped and they stepped off thanking the bus driver whilst hauling their bag over their shoulder again.The entered the airport and got their ticket and passport all figured out he waited at his gate for about an hour or two before he boarded and looked out the plane window.He put in his earbuds and listened to music until he fell asleep.
-landed at Valencia,California-
Sepher grabbed his backpack and left the plane,Waiting for the bus outside the building.30 minutes later it came and it was a short drive to the hotel he was staying at.He soon got his keycard and went up to room 276 as it said on the card.It was a small area but at least it has a bed and a tv with a mini fridge in a cabinet below it.He flopped on the bed.He checked the time and his phone read 9:30pm US.He took off his jacket and put away everything he brought with him except the letters he had gotten.He soon left the building in his 1970's outfit and started the short walk in the woods until he saw a fire with a couple people standing by it.
Sepher:for mum,for me and for Y/n
He walked towards the fire and so the journey began

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