Biggest fan benifits

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You walked around the convention center excitedly. While you did have a main goal in mind seeing old cartoon celebrities that made your childhood and some that are still present in your life was exciting. But there was someone, in particular, you were looking for. You rounded a corner and passed the big stage and you spotted him, looking jaded as ever. Ugly Sonic. You excitedly ran up then got a little awkward when he looked shocked, "Oh sorry uh hi..." you mumbled.

You still wore a giddy grin as he looked over you, "I'm not in the mood to be laughed at today kid, move along...please." He sounded defeated and you stared in shocked sadness.

"No no! I'm not here to make fun of you! I came to see you!" He looked you over again, almost like he was checking you out, but that couldn't be right, you still blushed at the thought.

"Oh, yea? Why are you here then?" He was smiling now and it made your heart melt and your knees weak.

"I uh- I wanted to meet you! Ever since that new show with the FBI that you're in, I've been wanting to meet you but I guess I really had my eye on you ever since the original trailer for the Son-"

"Yea yea I get it, kid, jeez you talk a lot," he interrupted but was still smiling.

You chuckled, "Sorry, just a bit nervous, I'm you're biggest fan," you scratched the back of your neck awkwardly.

"No need to be nervous man, I'm a regular joe just like you, what do ya got there?"

You clutched the small stack of paper close to your chest, you originally wanted to show him your fanart but having talked to him for a bit you changed your mind, you didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of him, "It's nothing! It's just some dumb art I drew, nothing really that interesting!" You started trying to open your bag to shove them in but while you weren't paying attention Ugly Sonic had snuck one out of your pile and looked at it in awe, you panicked. "Wait no!!" You tried to grab it but he pulled it out of your reach with a devious grin and you dropped the rest of the drawings, scattering them all over the table in front of him. They were...not exactly explicit but definitely suggestive. The one he was holding was probably the best of the bunch as it was just him with his tongue out.

You quickly started to try and gather them all before he saw too much, apologizing profusely until you felt a soft, gentle hand on yours, "You're a really good artist, did you want me to sign these?" He said it low and rough, it sent a hot chill up your spine. You nodded. He gathered them into a pile again and started signing them all as he asked you questions, like how you got into art and show. He eventually finished and handed them back to you and you smiled graciously, "Thank you so much, this means so much to me!"

He leaned back in his chair and smirked, "Of course! Anything for my biggest fan," he teased but you just smiled bigger.

"It was lovely meeting you! Good luck with your show!" You were about to leave when he called you to stop.

"I don't even know your name," he said, leaning on his elbow with his head in his hand.

You started to feel anxious again, it felt like he was up to something, "Oh uh, Y/n."

He smiled, "Y/n, that's a fun name..."

"Thank you," you smiled nervously, your fingers tapping on the table.

He gently placed his hand on yours, they were a bit smaller than yours, "Why don't I give you a VIP exclusive treatment in the back, since you're my biggest fan and everything." You swallowed thickly, was this really happening? Like sure you imagined it a few dozen times but was it happening for real? You mumbled out a breathy "okay" and he told his booth friends he'd be back in a bit, they just rolled their eyes. You were led by the hand through the crowd and soon emerged into a dark, vacant hallway. You felt your palms getting sweaty and your body tingling as he soon opened one of the doors not too far down. It had the name "Ugly Sonic" on it but once you were in the room with the lights on you saw it was just a sticker covering up that this was an old pantry. The room wasn't a bad size, it fit a couch, vanity, filing cabinet, and a water cooler. "Make yourself comfortable," Ugly Sonic offered as he plopped himself down on the couch.

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