Perfect as is my darling

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You shot awake in a panic. When you moved you were immediately met with cold metal on your arms and as you came to, your brain fully registered where you were. In a locker. You were standing and facing out the small slivers by your eyes. You watched in horror as a man screamed and pleaded for his life as another man babbled on about him being perfect as his wife. You blinked a few times and realized. It was him.

Minutes before you blacked out you had heard some ladies talking about "The Groom" and his next victim. You tried to ignore it because you could feel you were close to the end of this nightmare. But you should have threaded with some caution as you were soon greeted by an over 6-foot-tall man, beaten and sickly but fancily dressed. He immediately started talking as if he was your husband and you were being an unreasonable partner. Wife. You cringed at the mention of it. The mention of baring kids, being a wife, and those two things together were especially bad. You ran and dodged and yelled for him to leave you alone. You eventually attempted to climb a ladder at the top of the elevator but it gave away and you came crashing down. The last thing you remember was the man babbling on about how he hated to see his love in pain as you slipped into unconsciousness.

Now you're here. Half naked, in a lot of pain, and afraid for your life. The man on the table was understandably dead within seconds as The Groom tusked his "wife" for not being strong enough. Now it was your turn.

He rid the table of the mutilated man and began making his way towards you. You began crying and begging, that this was a misunderstanding and you'd help find his wife. It fell on deaf ears as the man talked of "consummating your marriage" and being a better father than his father ever was. He sounded teary-eyed and happy. You were about to throw up. Logically you knew you couldn't carry, you had the equipment for that removed a long time ago but because of that, you didn't feel it necessary to get the other equipment especially since you had grown your own to almost 3" and you were satisfied with that. Also, he was talking to you like you were a woman which was triggering in a million and one different ways.

He finally ended the spiel by telling you "Relax, stress isn't good for the baby," before spraying some gas and you were out again. You woke to him gently caressing your thighs as you were tied to the table the previous man had been tied to. You fought the strains as he stared in awe, "You're perfect darling," he mumbled as he gently grazed a hand over the part. You flinched, "Yes I know you're eager darling but I want to make sure you know how stunning you are. The most amazing...we have to wait until after the wedding as well dear." That did something to you and it really shouldn't have. Being on display like this, the praise, if the dude wasn't unstable and dangerous you'd be having the time of your life. "Though this mildly offending appendage could do with some work," he grabbed at your dick and you moaned pathetically. He looked up in surprise, "My..." You blushed in embarrassment and looked away in fear. "If it makes you make such beautiful sounds it can't be that bad I suppose," he smiled lustfully as he slowly dragged his hand off it making you squirm trying your best to suppress your moans.

He dragged his hands along your body to the knots around your ankles and arms as he slowly untied them, "Wedding preparations are almost done darling, I took care of everything!" He pulled you up and held your hands as he spoke directly looking at you for the first time. You studied his face, the marks, his one discolored eye, his questionable hair choice but most of all his happiness and excitement. "You just need to get your dress and I'll take care of the rest!" He leaned in to kiss you and you instinctively moved away. He looked upset and you were about to take it back but then he smiled, "Yes! You're right! Don't want to spoil it for the wedding!" He ushered you to an old locker room and shut you in, "You get ready dear, and meet me in the chapel when you're ready!" He called from the other side.

It was dark in the locker room and the tinted window to the gloomy outside did very little to help. You could make out a mannequin on the other side of the room. You got closer and it was wearing a very stained and slightly tattered wedding dress. "Play along until you find an opening," you told yourself as you slipped the dress off the mannequin and onto yourself. It was a bit big in the chest on account of your lack of boob and it squeezed the rest of you as you had squared out a lot over the years. It felt empowering and degrading at the same time. You sucked it up and trudged your way to the door and looked around for the chapel.

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