Chasing Fire

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First off, thank you guys for giving this story over 350 reads, for a second story this sounds great, anyways this chapter will contain mature content, so I'm pre warning you now because I really don't want to be sued as it's my first time actually using more 'adult words', but please otherwise enjoy :)

Hughes POV

"Well that's a shame, because the only way you'll be getting me back to England will be over my dead body" she spits at her brother and I'm sitting back enjoying the show, she truly is a fiery woman, but she can't be here my conscience tells me, but it's right, Gallipoli is a dangerous place and if anything happended to her I don't know what I'd do.

Why do I care about her? Why can't I stop thinking about her?

Suddenly she is out nod the tent before I know it and i rose immediately, her brothers follow suit and we run out of the tent to see that she's had a head start, "stop her" I yell out and men scurry around to try and grab her but it's too late as she is on a horse, my horse, and has kicked him into a gallop and they are out the campsite when she stops to look at me, a challenge burning bright in her eyes and I feel myself go hard at the sight.

'If you run I'll catch you' I mouth to her and she smirks and winks at me before turning my horse into another direction and disappears from sight. God that woman is going to be a distraction.

"All right I want some men to mount up, we're going after her before she decides to get herself killed, tucker, Dawson you'll both stay with the brothers and someone get me a horse" I order and Tucker and Dawson scramble, before long a horse is next to me and I mount up and head off in the direction she went before anyone could catch up to me.

I'll find her myself and punish her alone, I can't wait to find her.

Genevieve's POV

2 hours later

I ease the young horse into a trot and let us both catch our breaths which he appreciates as he huffs heavily and i slow him into a walk as I look at my surroundings, maybe running off wasn't the best thing as I don't have any supplies,nothing to make a fire with, no water, real smart Genevieve, I groan inwardly and the horse brings his ears back listening to me, so I rub his neck and coo in his ear which he loves and his ears swing forward, as if he's excited like me to be on an adventure.

However this wasn't the adventure I had planned.

1 hour later, thank god I had at least brought my pocket watch or I would've really been in trouble, I stop the horse and take a breath of air, trying to figure out any smells I come across which seems to be none, so I close my eyes and listen for any sounds, nothing at first, then I hear hoofbeats and a snort which I know isn't from my horse who is shifting uneasily, so I open my eyes and look around until I see the Lt-Col at the ridge not far from me.

Hughes POV

I've been riding for about 3 hours and still no sign of her where could she be? I ease the horse back into a trot and focus in my surroundings in case she lost the horse, what if she hurt herself? My heart clenches at these thoughts and I now all the more determined to find her.

It's getting hot and I know that she didn't think to bring water with her when she decided to run, I come at a stop and look at which way to go, a path or a ridge, hmmm if I was her I would avoid the path as that's what anyone would expect, hoping that I'm right I turn the horse up onto the ridge and as I look down I see her, safe and sound, maybe looking a little sunburnt from the sun she still looks beautiful, and my heart feel relief at her looking in picture health.

"I told you I'd find you if you ran" I yelled at her from the ridge and she looked at me in shock before regaining her composure, "Well now sir, now that you've found me, try to catch up" she yells back as she gives a gentle nudge and he storms off, I kick my horse into action and I'm right behind her, somehow her horse is a little bit faster but maybe because he's trying to please her, damn her.

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