The new world

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Patricia POV

Ting, a message popped up while I was doing my research for my next assignment.

From Veronica, "are you free can we play badminton I will come to your house in a while" as I saw the message a feeling of relief has come through my tired mind. Two days ago I return to my house for my semester break, I have not gone anywhere yet this girl messaged me. Yeah, girl lets go I replied. I closed my laptop and waited for her to come and fetch me. 

After a few minutes, a honking sound came indicating Veronica is there. I excitedly went out and wait for her, instead, she ask me to get inside the car. I went in as she said without thinking. She just started to drive further away and stopped the car beside a park nearby my house. Veronica suddenly hugged me tightly with her both hand embracing my body.

 I then realize she is crying, her body trembling against mine and the sniffing sound indicates she is crying. I just keep silent waiting until she calms down fully. A few minutes later the words that come from her totally broke me. "He said he don't want me anymore" cried Veronica. I was totally blank as I heard what she said. "How can this happen, what is wrong actually?" I don't know what to ask her, yet the number of questions I want to ask her keeps circling in my head.

Veronica: "We fought a week ago, I thought it was nothing but eventually it has turned this so bad."

Patricia: "Come on Vica, just tell me what happened."

Veronica POV:

Some claim that they will be connected to their soulmate by birth. Even some of them have this opinion. I'll never do that, and neither will my friend Patricia. Patricia is usually relieved that I won't be going out on dates anytime soon despite the fact that she is aware of my crushes on a few boys. I ultimately spill the tea about someone from the social media app Tik Tok one day. Patricia did not respond, but as soon as she heard that the guy and I had been communicating, she went completely insane. 

Patricia: "hey, girl how can you like someone from social media though?"

Veronica: "I don't know, don't ask me how. It just went that way"

Patricia: "so? What now?"

Veronica: "so, I going to have a great move on him"

Patricia: "what? You have lost your mind?"

Veronica: "NO"

Patricia: "YES! Completely yes. Have you talked about this to your mom?"

Veronica: "Not yet, but she knows a little about him."

Patricia: "How in the world I did not know about him now?"

Veronica: ï told you about him before, it's you didn't give your attention"

Patricia: Of course I didn't, cause I have no idea this shit will turn into this range, stupid"

I went all silent, all of a sudden.

Patricia: "Fine, just do whatever you want, but just give this some time. Don't take any serious moves. I will be leaving next week. So take care."

Veronica: "All right, my almighty queen, I will take care of that. And be safe over in your university."

We embrace goodbye and head off.

That night: 

Phone vibrating.

This phone call, which I usually wait for at this moment, has indeed come as it does every time.

I picked up the call and run towards my room hurriedly.

Chris: "Hello?"

Here it is, the voice that gives me the chills every time I hear it.

This emotion is unassignable to anything else.

Now that my suffering and my dark days have all been sealed away within a special box inside my heart, only the wonderful memories and moments will ever stay in my thoughts.

These conflicted emotions just get more confusing day by day. Chris began to tell me everything about himself, thinking that I would just listen to him.

Chris's breakup with his ex-girlfriend happened months ago. But, I want him to know that I am anticipating some love from him as he has begun giving me some new sensations. I have often hinted at him, but all he does is maintain his naive expression of ignorance. Nonetheless, I am aware that he still has room in his heart for me. Every time I mention some random boys or other things, he gets upset. What is even this call if it's not love?

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