❦. five

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Y/n's pov.

Once Roshad had dropped us off, we both went our separate ways the second we entered the house. At this point we had time to sober up a little. Ariana is now making herself something to eat, she asked me if I wanted anything but I told her that I wasn't hungry.

I can't believe she wants me to be jealous over her and Abel, for something that happened a few years back. Am I jealous? A little. Do I have any reason to be? Of course, he is still in her life and apparently still has an effect on her. This is annoying me more than it should.

"I am so hungry!" Ariana comes back from the kitchen, a plate in her hands. "You sure you don't want anything?" She sits on the couch and grabs the remote. "No, I'm good don't worry." I smile, removing my shoes to get comfortable on the couch. As I remove my jacket, I hear the chime of my phone indicating that I have a text. The only people who text me are Ariana and her mother, Joan must be asleep by now and Ariana is right here, so I figure that it must be Stella and reach for my phone.

hey, it was nice meeting you today, i hope we get to see each other soon. (btw you're really cute). Stella

My cheeks start burning up, I can feel myself blushing... I save her contact in my phone and I let my fingers hoover the screen, thinking about what to reply. I almost forget that Ariana is besides me until I feel her breath on the side of my neck. I immediately hide my phone from her noisiness. "Who is it?" She asks me, her eyebrows furrowed. "None of your business, Ariana." I tell her, standing up. I leave the living room and I hear her drop her plate on the coffee table, next thing I know, she's running to catch up with me. "It's really not that serious, Ariana..." I laugh at her.

"What did Stella send you?" She asks, walking behind me. "Why do you think it's her?" I turn around and she bumps into me. "It's midnight, my mom is sleeping and I don't recall texting you." The brunette crosses her arms, pushing her boobs up and slightly out of her top. I try my hardest not to stare at her cleavage so I focus my eyes on her face and move a bit closer. "Well, miss know-it-all, it was indeed her and once again, what she said is none of your business." I push her shoulder making her stumble back a little. "Whatever!" She scoffs and turns away, back to the living room.

I unlock my phone and start texting Stella back while walking up to my room.

Hi, it was great to meet you as well. I would love to see you again soon. (By the way, so are you 😉)

I type it and reread it about ten times before hitting the blue arrow. I lock my phone, drop it on my nightstand before making my way to my bathroom. A shower is very needed.

I let the hot water run over my body while thinking about the times I wished I was doing this exact act. I let out a happy sigh and turn the water off to wash myself. "Can I talk to you?" Ariana barges in. I immediately cover my dick with my hand and my boobs with my arm so she won't be able to see me through the glass window.

"God, Ariana... Don't you see I'm busy?" I tell her,  a sigh leaving my lips. "It's important, Y/n." Ariana walks closer to the shower making me back up until my back touches the cold tiles behind me. "No, you will have to wait. Now go, I have to shower." I look at her with narrowed eyes just so she understands how serious I am. "But-" She starts and I cut her off. "Go. Now." I firmly say to her, her shoulders drop but she listens and leaves, closing the door behind her.

I sigh and get back to rubbing my skin with my loofah. I forgot how Ariana tends to step over my boundaries and I think I need to make that straight with her. I didn't mind before, but it was when we were younger, my body has changed now. I rinse the soap off my body before I get out and grab a towel. Shit, I left my pajamas on my bed. I open the door, and I am directly faced with Ariana sat on my bed. I sigh before walking up to her, "Can you get up please? You're sat on my pjs." I tell her and she doesn't move, her head down while she looks at her phone. "Ari?" I call out again, she finally looks up at me, with her eyes filled with tears.

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