Chapter 2

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"What?!" Hiccup shouted. Jack rolled his eyes, "IT'S LOCKED. L O C K E D, LOCKED." Flynn shouted. Hiccup shook his head vividly, "No, that can't be right. I never miscalculate. Ever and you know that." Flynn rubbed his chin, "Well, looks like you did now, Einstein." Hiccup glared at Flynn. Jack stepped between them and pushed them away, "Okay, can we just try to get inside before the police gets here?"

Hiccup and Flynn nodded. Flynn grabbed the channellock pliers off of his belt and pierced it into the door. Jack then started to drag it around the security lock. Hiccup kicked the spot where Jack and Flynn pierced the door and the security lock fell down with a clunk.

The Hydras grinned in victory and pushed the museum back door open. "You know the plan, get in take the ancient ruby and then get out." Jack explained. "According to my research, the ruby is kept in the Egyptian section." Hiccup added. "Well, they're in for a surprise tomorrow when they find it missing and it's the opening as well!" Flynn laughed. "Remember to watch out for the cameras." Jack warned. "Masks and voice disguisers on and let's go!" Flynn shouted and ran inside, the other two followed.

They crept behind a wall and looked around the perimeter. They spotted the security cameras scattered around everywhere and they knew the vibration sensors were on. "Okay, Jack, deal with the cameras, I'll disable the sensors and Flynn, get the ruby after we give you the signal." Hiccup elucidated. Jack nodded and was about to go when Flynn stopped him with his arm.

"Wait..." Flynn took out the the laser-doppler anemometer from his belt and sprayed it around the room. Soon, lasers became visible to them. "I knew it." Flynn smirked. "Wow, you actually have a brain!" Hiccup teased. Flynn scoffed, "Big words coming from the person who thought the door was unlocked." Hiccup's grin turned into a frown. Jack held back a laugh. "C'mon, we'll argue later." He spoke then went off.

Hiccup slumped his shoulders and started walking away. "Oof..." Hiccup yelped when strong arms intertwined around his torso. "Sorry for insulting you." Flynn whispered. Hiccup smiled before replying, "I'm sorry too, man. Okay, let's go!" He hugged back and they both seperated. "It's not nice to leave me out of these hugs you know." Jack sulked from the far cornor. Flynn and Hiccup snickered before blowing him a kiss.


Jack covered the last of the cameras in black paint from a spray can, after Hiccup disabled the sensors. Flynn was carefully manoeuvring himself through the lasers to get to the ruby. When he made it, he grabbed it and lifted it up in happiness. Jack and Hiccup cheered. "Now, let's get out of here." Jack shouted.

Flynn started to manoeuvre himself out again. Jack and Hiccup came down. Suddenly, the lasers turned off. Flynn looked at Hiccup and Jack in confusion. "Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in." A sly voice came from the shadows. Their heads shot towards the voice. "Come out, coward!" Flynn shouted. The voice laughed demonically before stepping out of the shadow. The Hydras' eyes widened.

"What? Never seen a female police officer before?" She taunted, her green eyes sparkling with confidence. "Look, Officer..." Hiccup squinted his eyes to see the name on the badge, "Officer Corona, you're clearly new, since you don't know anything about us." He smirked. "So to save you from embarrassment, we'll be on our way." He added, before turning to leave.

"Oh I don't think so, mate." Another feminine voice stopped them in their tracks. She was twirling a metal cuff on her index finger whilst narrowing her cerulean eyes. "Corona, what have they stolen this time?" She asked nonchalantly. "The Sekhmet Ruby, Arendelle. Priced at R$3.5 million." She replied. "Tell me more, Corona."

While the two female police officers were distracted, Flynn tugged on Jack's black jumper, and then pointed towards the chloroform on Hiccup's belt. Jack nudged Hiccup and indicated to use the chloroform. Hiccup slowly took it off his belt, making sure the officers weren't looking. He put it behind him and started to unbottle it when all of a sudden, he couldn't feel the bottle of chloroform.

"Don't worry lad, we're not sleepy right now so no need for the chloroform." A voice spoke from behind them. Flynn jumped a bit. The Hydras turned around and faced a smirking woman with orange hair. "Look, just move the fuck away and no one gets hurt." Jack muttered. "Where's the fun in that?" Arendelle teased. Whilst the five were bickering back and forth, Flynn pressed a few buttons on his belt and then slyly signalled to Jack and Hiccup to do the same thing.

"We would love to stay and chat but we're leaving, goodbye!" Flynn shouted as he pressed the activation button and soon a wire shot up and tightened around the ceiling. Then it started to raise Flynn up, "You're not getting away that easily." Arendelle shouted as she jumped up and grabbed onto him. The wire stopped working. Flynn started to shake his body, trying to loosen her grip but it was useless.

Jack and Hiccup watching this decided to help Flynn. They both tried to help but they were soon tackled by Corona and Dunbroch. Jack pushed Dunbroch away and started to run towards Hiccup who was swatting away Corona's hands. They heard a thud and saw Flynn running towards them, closely followed by Arendelle. Dunbroch grabbed onto one of them and pinned him to the wall. "Oh you want to play dirty? Then we'll play dirty."

The next thing you know, she was on the floor after her legs swept away by Hiccup's. "Get them!" She shouted before pouncing back up. Corona and Arendelle wasted no more time.

Arendelle grabbed Jack's arm and twisted it to his back but soon he grasped onto her arm and tightened his grip on her neck, "Wrong move, babe." He whispered into her ear.

"I am not your babe." She yelled and in a split second, she had her arm pulled back, she clenched her fist and threw it forward with a force that knocked Jack backwards when it connected, the dull thud and gasp of breath confirmed she had winded him. Jack was now doubled over, the punch had caught him off guard and he cursed himself, Elsa however was relentless, she swung another punch towards Jack's head. Instinctively, Jack blocked the punch and countered with an upward cut to Elsa's neck. He connected and watched her stagger backwards violently coughing.

Meanwhile, Corona and Flynn were engaged in a fist fight. Flynn shoved Corona to the floor and pulled the cuffs away from her. He was about to cuff her when he felt pain shooting his torso, he let out a grunt as he clutched his abdomen. The bitch had kicked him, hard.

He retaliated with a pound to her chest, she wheezed. She pushed him away with all her strength and he fell with an 'oof.' She pulled him to his feet, almost tearing the collar... He heard the slight rasp of material ripping. When he swung, he expected her to jump back, but she leaped inside the swing instead. She hooked her left arm over his right, grabbed his throat with her right hand, and drove her right knee into his crotch. He yelped out in pain, his eyes squeezing shut.

Hiccup watching his best friend in pain couldn't take it anymore. He swung punch after punch after punch at the smirking redhead. She managed to dodge all of his punches and managed to send a blow right onto his shins. He stumbled but Flynn popped back into his mind. His eyes hardened and Dunbroch seeing this knew Corona went a bit too far. She kept a straight face when he approached her, even though she was quaking with fear. She was frozen.

He raised his fist ready to deliver a painful hit but suddenly his hair was gripped and pulled backwards. Arendelle kneed his back as he tried to swing himself around. She quickly cuffed his hands and pushed him on the floor. "1 down, 2 to go." She smirked. Dunbroch hi-fived her.

"Cut the celebrations." a menacing voice bellowed. They whipped their heads around to see Corona in the hands of the other two, a glass shard held under her chin and a knife was placed right on her chest. The officers' eyes widened in fear. "Uncuff him. Now." The white haired one spoke. Arendelle was about to uncuff Hiccup when Corona saw that the two Hydras slackened their grip. She quickly moved back and took out her gun and clicked it off safety. Arendelle and Dunbroch smiled in triumph. "Drop the glass and knife and walk over to that wall." She demanded. They reluctantly agreed. "Arendelle, cuff them. Dunbroch, keep your eye on the one already cuffed."
Arendelle moved towards them and cuffed the goatee guy and then the white haired one. He growled at her in annoyance. Dunbroch grabbed the guy on the floor and dragged him up to the other two. now the six of them stood face to face.

"I believe we haven't introduced ourselves yet, how rude of us." Corona spoke. Merida laughed, "Ah, you're right lass."

"We're Europe's Three."


Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Very very long! So the two parties have now officially met. Just to clear up any confusion, they're still wearing their balaclavas and voice disguisers :))

- Mariana

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