Comfort Zone

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The night atop the mountain was a mystical canvas of beauty. The frigid air kissed Bondita's cheeks with a crispness that sent shivers down her spine, but it was a refreshing kind of chill. She lay in bed, the pages of her book rustling in the quiet of the night, but her mind was far away, reliving the events of the day.

Finally, after mustering up all her courage, she had revealed the true contents of her heart to her beloved Barrister Babu. The satisfaction and joy that filled her was indescribable. She couldn't stay still in bed any longer. Anirudh was sleeping in the room downstairs, and Bondita knew that she had to see him at that very moment.

She quickly wrapped an off-white shawl around her body, embracing the gush of mountain wind that welcomed her as she stepped out of the room. The air was crisp and refreshing, and Bondita closed her eyes to savor its freshness.

"What my heart seeks, it's you, it's only you.... "

She hummed a familiar tune as she tiptoed down the stairs in the darkness, the moonlight being the only source of illumination. She was familiar with the area and didn't need a lamp to guide her way.

But as she descended, her heart skipped a beat as a soft voice reached her ears, one she recognized only too well. It was a voice she had come to be fond of, but the content of the conversation filled her with a sharp pang of terror. It was as if the world around her had come to a halt, and nature itself seemed to hold its breath in anticipation.

""Do you remember your promise?" Mira's voice echoed in the darkness, brimming with an unusual eagerness. Bondita hesitated for a moment, but her curiosity pulled her two steps down to uncover the conversation's subject.

Anirudh sat beside Mira in silence, his thoughts veiled from Bondita's eyes. A crease appeared between Bondita's brows as she struggled to comprehend the purpose of their discussion.

"Mira... What would he call me?" Anirudh spoke, his voice laced with a hint of amusement.

Mama?" Mira's response came slowly, tinged with uncertainty. The darkness obscured their faces from Bondita's view.

"No..." Anirudh's voice trailed off as he mused, "Kaka." His words were accompanied by a smile, Bondita imagined.

She remained rooted to the spot, her heart thrumming with unspoken emotions. She watched as Mira leaned into Anirudh's embrace, their bodies fitting together perfectly. Their shadows danced on the floor, a dark reflection of their intimacy.

Bondita exhaled a sharp breath as she heard Mira's quavering confession, "I think I love you." Her knees trembled, her heart racing with trepidation, and yet she could not believe her ears.

She held her breath, waiting for Anirudh's response, his silence suffocating her with dread. "I know," he finally spoke, his voice laden with an unspoken weight. "And, I love you too Mira... Exactly the way an elder brother loves and protects his sister!"

A wave of relief washed over Bondita, like a boulder lifted from her chest. A smile played on her lips as she realized there was nothing to fear. She no longer wanted to eavesdrop on their conversation, and with the same stealth she crept back up the stairs, leaving their voices to fade into the darkness.

Bondita stood on the terrace garden, enveloped in the serene ambience of the night. The moon was out, casting its silver light on the surrounding mountains. The air was fresh, carrying the sweet scent of pine trees and wildflowers. It was a peaceful night, a night that whispered secrets to those who were willing to listen.

Anirudh appeared beside her, his arms enveloping her from behind. His presence was comforting, like a warm embrace on a cold winter night.

"Haven't slept yet?"

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