The Backstory

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It's almost poetic, ironic probably, how concretes bear witness to the echoes of tragedy that no human can fathom. The anguish and anticipation culminating in a crescendo of emotions, painting the walls with a symphony of pain. The scene was a tapestry woven with the threads of loss, mystery, and love, where Raimoti had sat quietly on the bed in Bondita's room, leaving behind a poignant aftermath, a melody of melancholy that lingered in the air like a haunting refrain.
The soft evening light had filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow over the room. Bondita had approached Raimoti, her eyes brimming with concern, glistening with fear, and she had gently cradled Raimoti's dimpled chin, guiding her gaze to meet her own.

"Tell me what happened..." Bondita's voice was a soft whisper, laden with empathy. The question hung heavy in the air, the weight of their shared history and the unspoken bond they had cherished over the years.

Rai's hazel eyes, once so full of life, were now clouded with pain. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and the dam of her emotions burst forth. The words tumbled out, a torrent of heartache and sorrow that seemed to fill the room.

"He's gone, Bondita," Raimoti's voice quivered as she spoke, the anguish in her words cutting through the silence like a knife. "Satya... he's gone."

Satya is gone? Satyakirth? The Sacrosanct? How was it even possible?

Bondita's heart clenched at the news, her breath caught in her throat. Satya, the man who had been her closest friend, her dearest confidant, was no more. The world seemed to tilt on its axis, and for a moment, everything around Bondita blurred into a painful haze.

"Noo.... " A suppressed scream came out of Bondita's throat, and in no time she collapsed down on the floor, seated in a defeated posture, a soldier who had just lost her fellow warrior.

"I saw him... I saw the bullet, and I saw him fall!" Raimoti was sobbing, and words came out as jumbled murmur of lamentation.
"The Davidson shot him, throat I think... " She wiped her eyes, "and I won't see him, ever!"
All were quiet, and the room itself seemed to absorb the weight of Rai's grief, the walls closing in as if mourning alongside her. Bondita's grip on Rai had tightened, her own tears mingling with Raimoti's as their emotions entwined in a dance of sorrow and shared understanding.

"What will happen now Bondita? What will I do now?" Raimoti broke down.

In that shrouded cocoon of their grief, words proved futile, consolation an elusive phantom. Bondita and Raimoti were two wounded souls, clung to each other, their silent tears the only solace for the profound loss that weighed on their hearts. It was a mournful duet, their cries harmonizing with the sorrow that had woven itself around them.

As the minutes crawled by like a relentless specter, Bondita summoned her strength, her voice a fragile lifeline extending towards Rai's shattered spirit.

"Tell me, Rai, tell me everything," she implored gently, her fingers tenderly brushing away the smeared kohl from Raimoti's tear-streaked face.

Raimoti hesitated for a moment, her voice trembling like the quiver of a wounded bird.
"Baba was there," she began, her voice fragile.
"He aimed end me, and then, out of nowhere, Satya returned, like a guardian angen, he returned for me." Her voice quivered, "He had no obligation, no compulsion, and yet he returned, solely to protect me."

Bondita's eyes welled with tears, a mirror to Rai's anguish.
"Why wouldn't he, Rai?" she whispered, her own voice choked with emotion.

Raimoti continued her sorrowful tale. "And then, Maha didi...she..." Raimoti faltered, her sobs once again engulfing her.

Bondita's comforting touch worked as a balm for the wounded soul.
"Take your time," she murmured, offering solace through her silent presence.

Raimoti gathered her strength and resumed, her voice quivering with the trauma of the memories.
"Satya was not meant to escape, you see. He had made no escape plan for himself, but fate intervened, and..." She tenderly touched her abdomen, the gesture laden with unspeakable sorrow.
"We were about to leave...I was following him, and then, Baba emerged, as if he had always lurked in the shadows. He raised a gun at me... And..."

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