Comic Backstory part 1

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A blonde kid with 3 whiskers on his cheek was running away from a squad anbu with a backpack with full of paint cans, Throwing a smoke pellet that vanish as quick as it appeared and the kid was no longer seen.

"Where did he go." one of the anbu said.

"I don't know, spread out and find him, he couldn't have gone far."

After the anbu left a head pop of of a tin trash bin as the kid stared to chuckle and left the bin with a foxy smirk.

"Naruto." A man with the typical jonin vest, with a scar over the bridge of his nose, with a small ponytail.

"Hi iruka sensei, how are you." Naruto said cheekily scratching the back of his day, then a grappling hook hit Naruto in center of his chest and pulling him up on to the roof.

"Move, Move, Move." another kid yelled at Naruto while dashing across the roof. The kid has a black dress suit with out a tie and a top hat.

"Thank you brother." Naruto ran right after he was told so.

"Let me see you say that after I kill you."

"Aw, but you'll miss me."

"No I'll laugh at you."

"Already let's make a bet, if they grab us you can kill me, and if not I get ramen for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a whole week."

"I I'll kill you either way."

An hour later they where catched by 3 anbu, 10 jonin and 5 Genin. Naruto was greatly beaten with an inch of his life, by his brother after Naruto determined that their was no escape.

"Um, Naruto are you ok." Iruka asked right after the door of the classroom was kicked open and Naruto's brother dragging the corpus like body of Naruto.

"No." Both of the brothers said simultaneously and flatly. His brother kicked him in the face puting him to sleep.

"I don't think that was necessary."

"I warned him not to do it, but he did it." Iruka gave a questioning glance, "oh don't give me that look."

"This was just the first time, and should you take him to the hospital."

"He vandalized the Hokage Monument, and no he'll recover later. What are we doing today."

"Not doing the transformation jutsu when you came back."

All the girls, where struck in the hearts as they as they saw the only boy who could rival sasuke uchiha beat the dead last, except Sakura saying that Sasuke could have done better. All the boys could just felt the air joy radiating from the girls and had the same thought, "woman are scary." all except from Hinata who was looking at young blonde wondering if he would be ok. Naruto's brother on the other hand, had the thought of following the lines, "fucking yandere," and "disgraceful Kunoichi" As he walked up to the back of the classroom, still dragging Naruto, and to the place that had two seats for free besides Hinata. A red head in the class just glared at Naruto and his brother, and said brother glared back.

"Are you sure that he is ok." Hinata asked.

"Ya, my parents are worse."


"My mom throws pans, and sandals, while my dad mentally destroy me. Look now that my brother is half dead, I want to confirm something with you. Do you have a crush on my brother" he said with a blank but warm face

"Um um," Hinata said looking away with a red face and trying to avoid answering the question.

"Look I know it may seem important, but you will need to know your self and your feeling, if you don't, it may cost you if and Naruto are in the same team."

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