My Best friend's Groom

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Dear Readers (If anyone actually bothered clicking on this story and read this),

I am one of those people who are fond of putting on their headphones and playing music in the highest volume when doing their tasks. So one day, while I was cleaning up the kitchen, Taylor Swift's "Speak Now" played on my headphones, and suddenly a scene played out in my head. It has been awhile since that happened to me, so when it did, I grabbed hold of the idea, and played it over and over in my head so I won't lose it.

However, as I did that, the scene changed and I thought hey, that is not so bad either. So I decided to write it down.

And here it is.

Unfortunately-for me-I am currently at a loss as to what events will happen next. Therefore, I might not be able to update this as much as I want to. However, I will endeavor to finish this if I can. Especially if someone is actually interested in here.

Anyway, good day!



P.S: Mistakes either grammatically or in spelling may be present. I apologize for that. Your understanding will be deeply appreciated though. =)

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